Reviews and star ratings come from customers who have had a TAL Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection insurance policy.

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Overall rating:
Average+ from 256 reviews
Value for money
Features and benefits
Ease of Application
Timeliness of processing
Customer service and communication
Claims rating:
Poor+ from 30 reviews
No reviews
Ease of lodging
Processing time
Helpfulness with enquiries

Read reviews

15 Jun 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Luckily haven't had to claim to date - application process was reasonably slow as they gathered relevant medical info. Made a couple of exclusions based on pre-existing conditions which I assumed was standard practice. Premiums were comparable to others and chose for ease via super fund.."
11 Jun 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The experience from start to end is very good. I have managed to secure a good policy just in time.."
14 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The ease of it being through my super is the most beneficial to me, no out of pocket expenses."
14 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Customer service have always been excellent. I don't like that the fee goes up each year despite me being on a level premium. I have not had to claim yet so I don't know what that process would be like. I really like that there are offers to reduce premiums by getting screening tests done.."
13 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "There is no calculator to work out how much the premiums will cost you ( you either have to call them or just blindly guess if you want to reduce or increase your premium)and I had to request a copy of the PDS that took several days to get to me even though it should have been available in my account when I logged in.."
26 Apr 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Premiums are atrociously expensive. Should never have taken out a policy with this bunch of thieves. No communication from them whatsoever in years. Avoid like the plague.."
04 Mar 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Experience was awful increasing insurance. I went up in income over $110k since last review due to change in industry and no matter what they would not increase more than $10k of my income protection no matter what evidence I provided.."
19 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Insurer was selected by my broker, and all comms is via them. THe TAL portal is cumbersome and I prefer to not use it.."
18 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "TAL offers a coverage of options tailored toward individual needs and not just based on age. It's easy to set up and edit your cover as mine is done through Australian Super. The downfall for me is that they rejected my income protection application due to having POTS, which is the reason why I needed the cover.."
18 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Such a simple process to sign up, total peace of mind now knowing that my family will be looked after if something were to happen to me. Ability to setup within a Superfund was advantageous.."
17 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "The process was easy to set up and I felt comfortable in taking out this policy to ensure myself and my family had protection. Rolls over each year with no trouble. A+ product and services."
17 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I would recommend them to others thought I have not been required to place a claim.."
15 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 9 years.
    "Bought a personal Life policy via Donna of InsuranceWatch some years ago after found it offers some the best features policy & value for money when compare with others and it was easy enough to apply via their site. recently claim experience with TAL was difficult initially but found great assistance from Donna which guides my through every steps of the way from start to finish where the insurer did comes to the party in the end. Highly recommend InsuranceWatch for all your Policy needs 100%."
06 Dec 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "I havent had any interactions with the insurer as yet."
13 Nov 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Terrible experience. Was told I had enough cover. Resigned from my work and waited over three months to have my claim denied. Had no feedback during that 3 months and just told a bunch of lies by TAL.."
23 Oct 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I liked that they paid for 3 months with a physio to help my recovery.."
19 Oct 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 8 years.
    "I have been with TAL insurance for about 8 years. I have been loyal and all they do is pricing me out of my initial policy. My out of pocket monthly expenses went from $681 per month to $924 per month on my 40th birthday. Typical insurance company pricing out a customer to force them into a different policy that is no where as good as I signed up. That 1 increase on my last birthday is a $3000 extra per year. And a $11000 per year out of pocket expense! Shop around and don't trust TAL in the long term. Very appealing! I’ve spent over $60,000 with them for nothing!."
28 Sep 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Funeral Insurance / Plan for 10 years or more.
    "Breeches own policies, doesn't reply to emails about complaints or disputes. Doesn't end insurance cover when requested. Poor customer service, poor policy procedures, poor conduct, poor company."
31 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Overall, the experience with TAL insurer was satisfactory but expensive. Consider ING or ANZ for better cost and value.."
31 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Average experience overall. The insurance offering documentation is difficult to understand for an average person and needed to consult an expert for advice.."
27 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Price was good. Features was good. Was easy to get underwritten."
20 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Process of application was easy and I have no complaints with communications and clarity on policy.."
16 Jul 2023 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Funeral Insurance / Plan for 10 years or more.
    "Always helpful and friendly but I have had problems that took awhile to resolve and still not completely sure if they have."
27 Apr 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "TAL has admitted that the price of this policy is excessive for the amount covered because of its age, however, have continued to increase prices year after year. No interest in maintaining loyalty with long-term clients.."
20 Apr 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "I took out a Life Insurance cover with BTWestpac (Now TAL) and spent $75 per week for top cover for Life Insurance/TPD etc. It has been 18 months now and I am a double amputee, but my Solicitors in Sydney are still going back and forth for things like Creatine levels in my urine 5 years ago and are just making life hard for me to get a decision from them of which I am entitled to. Nice fluffy ads with grand parents (me) in Ralph Lauren shirts with a seascape in the background with the grand kids playing with the Labrador.. MO IT IS NOT LIKE THAT. I WAS EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOROF A LARGE ORGANISATION AND GOT SOLD THE FLUFFY BROCHURE FROM MY BROKER.. ILIVE IN A CHURCH MENS HOSTEL ONPUBLIC TRANSPORT WITH TWO MOON BOOTS AND A WALKING STICK.... WHERE IS THE LOVE TAL??? I HAVE GONE FROM AN ASSET TO A LIABILITY FOR YOU GUYS BUT PLEASE PAY ME THE $795,000 I AM DUE SO I CAN AT LEAST AFFORD A TAXI....."
23 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I have never made a claim but happy with my current insurance cover. Very to sign up and get any information. Also good value for money.."
19 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "We get yearly communication, as yet haven't had to claim. The policy ends in March so will see how getting our money goes then.."
12 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have not had to use my insurance so the only dealings have been in regards to the application process , and changed to my policy which I found simple and fast."
24 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Easy to see what you're covered for. Able to get through on the phone and talk to someone if you need to.."
05 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Husband in ICU Boxhill hospital 8 weeks- notified TAL regards income protection policy/claim.One consultant through process- empathy shown and claim paid within 2 months- ongoing. Recovery will take 12-24 months but consultant has been tracking his progress and always polite and helpful. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.."
02 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 9 years.
    "TAL is great value for money based on my comparison yearly."
27 Dec 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 9 years.
    "Experience was fine, but decided to discontinue this insurance as I found out I had adequate coverage within my super package.."
12 Dec 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "Premiums which are through one of my super funds are much cheaper than the Premiums with the other insurer through my other super fund."
20 Oct 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Truly a 5 star policy - value for money given the number of benefits against the amount charged.."
15 Oct 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The benefit and conditions of the policy worth the money paid. The coverage is high and the policy is flexible. My broker can make some adjustment on the policy to fit my situation.."
20 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "This insurer has kept the value of this policy over the years, but it has definately increased in value every year, it is expensive to keep.."
14 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "My policy with TAL is provided to me through my superannuation fund, Australian Super. They have an exemplary communication process both via mail and over the phone. It's reassuring to know that in the unfortunate, but hopefully unlikely event I ever need to make a claim, I can count on their swift processes and exceptional customer service to facilitate whatever I, or my family may need.."
07 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 3 years.
    "There was an issue with a premium coming out and had a bit of a bad experience with customer service not sending me a form or returning calls. It has to be escalated to a complaint to be resolved.."
08 Aug 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 6 years.
    "I've spoken to TAL a few times since taking out my life policy. Their customer service personnel are great to talk to but i have found it hard to get information about my premium and what options i have in reducing the premium and my insurance structure, eventually I've found the details i needed by logging on and reviewing my own policy documents and after chatting with a girl from Insurance watch do i have a better understanding of my policy requirements."
27 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "TAL Life has been really easy to purchase and claim on the policy via my broker. The claim process in particular has been seamless and not too cumbersome which contrasts with what you generally hear about insurers putting roadblocks in your way.."
12 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "My insurance is through my super fund and, consequently, I have had no communication from my insurer. I have never had to make a claim so am unsure how easy they would be to deal with if I did. I wouldn't mind receiving communication from them maybe a couple of times a year and would perhaps feel more comfortable about them if I did but I do trust my super fund to have done the research and only use a fund that would not be difficult to deal with in the event of a claim.."
23 Mar 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Great offer to be taken along with superannuation without costing extra on daily expense.."
23 Mar 2022 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "It was a seamless experience with easy availability of all the details at the time of joining the insurance. I would definitely recommend them to anyone as their charges are not expensive while providing the ideal cover.."
23 Feb 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 6 years.
    "Overall TAL is a good provider of life insurance, however it can be a little pricey.."
02 Feb 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "My insurance was auto accepted so I didn't have any issues getting g cover for my life Insurance, tpd or IP."
25 Jan 2022 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "TAL was professional and thorough in their offering, health checks, and worked with me to tailor a solution to accomodate my hobby (recreational diving). I have no experience in claims yet, I was guided\encouraged by strong ratings from others.."
20 Jan 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I recently changed insurers and my application process has not been finalised with TAL for certain parts of my insurance. The information required was detailed, but there was not sufficient scope in their questioning to accommodate my health situation, which is that I had a health scenario which is now resolved. I am yet to see how this will affect the premiums, but I think they will be rather expensive given what the quote was before adding the extra information.."
17 Jan 2022 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Application was relatively easy, better features than most competitors but poor communication when the policy was being discontinued and I needed to finish my application within a certain timeframe to keep the policy I had started applying for. This came as a surprise and there was no warning but I did have 3 months to finish my application.."
27 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I went through a financial firm to help apply, didn't feel particularly transparent and quite expensive."
26 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Good though I have not had to claim as yet and that is where the true test is."
08 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 8 years.
    "I haven't made any claims so far but the price is reasonable.."
08 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "It's just via my super, so it' nice and easy. Hopefully will never need it.."
03 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "2 years ago I become a paraplegic due to a surgical complication. Tal resently payed out my tpd however my income protection is still ongoing for over 15 months now. They have lost all the information 6 times now even know they had it all from the previous tpd claim, our financial adviser even sent it again by registered post and still has been misplaced. Very stressful, should be easy and straight forward especially with our situation. Not sure if this is a stalling tactic but we are now getting our lawyers to follow this up.."
29 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "I would recommend TAL as a choice of insurance provider as their insurance premiums on Standard Life / TPD and IP cover as in line with market rates at other insurers.."
13 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "Great follow up and communication during the process and was great at explaining the different options."
09 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Very expensive, looking for every possible exclusion they can find, unhelpful with application process and medicals."
09 Oct 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Everything was done online, we only chose the default cover and there was not any advice on tailoring it to meet my needs. I had to read up on it. I wish I had some form of discussion and negotiation to discuss options and informed about my status. I love it because they are transparent on the benefits and conditions.."
08 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "The insurance policies were set up at the time by our financial advisor. I receive statements but no other info on extending cover etc. We no longer have that financial advisor so I just continue to pay the premiums.."
07 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
26 Jul 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "Overall great value and sales process when i signed up, however, when it came time to changing my policy amounts or switching to SMSF ownership they were extremely unhelpful.."
20 Jul 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Just joined, but the process was smooth. Great value for money. Insurance watch is a great agent who provided the best experience between me and TAL. Over all very happy with the service so far.."
28 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Default insurance through super, but haven't had any issues regarding them.."
28 Jun 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I understand that if I ever need to claim it is likely to be disputed. Most claimable events are likely to also invoke life insurance; for which superannutation is a better medium than after tax dollars.."
27 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "No hassle sign-up and no annoying calls or emails upselling other stuff.."
25 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "We deal with a broker who initially assisted us in 2015 to take out these policies with TAL and he has always been super helpful and knowledgeable about the product/s.."
07 Jun 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "The thing that really stands out to me about this insurer is the fact that I contacted them on an online form saying that I wanted to take up a policy. When they called back during work hours and I couldn't talk, I requested a specific time to be called back - i.e. when I would be home from work and able to talk. The called multiple times after that but not when I asked to be called. It was quite frustrating playing phone tag when I told them when I would be available. Other than that we found that they had the best price on the market, which is why we chose them.."
07 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I really like they send a clinical person home to do the blood test.."
04 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Service was very good. Polite helpful and easy to get through claims process."
03 Jun 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
18 May 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I have had a positive experience with this insurer, as my husband got Cancer and had his own trauma insurance paid out promptly.."
13 May 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Very good insurer who understands the needs of the customer with excellent customer service.."
12 May 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 3 years.
    "I like the simplicity of their cover and the low price. Having the knowledge that my family would be taken care of if something were to happen to me, is of great peace and mind. Would 100% recommend them for a cheap insurer.."
18 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Default product through super. So could probably get a better deal going direct.."
07 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Easy to contact good prices and simple. I would recommend them to a friend."
03 Feb 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "It was Very easy to claim when I sadly needed to. The premiums are however very high.."
20 Jan 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Honesty never had a claim received as part of super, the price seems a little steep and because of my field the payout isn't as large.."
17 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I have found the pricing quite reasonable, however my package is part of superannuation.."
07 Jan 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Communication from the insurer is always regular and easy to understand.."
31 Dec 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Just opened so am new to them but the process was smooth and easy."
29 Nov 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection, Funeral Insurance / Plan for 4 years.
    "I liked the ease of integrating the cover with my super, but disliked the application process and website as they were very finicky to get right."
23 Oct 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "It was straightforward. Or as straight forward as the complex insurance process can be. It is reasonable value for money.."
21 Oct 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "My overall experience with TAL life has been just fine. I was recommended by my financial advisor and they created a policy that fits my lifestyle and age range.."
01 Oct 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Pretty reasonable prices, not too difficult to dal with, a little slow but got there in the end. Would recommend to others.."
29 Jul 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "They are liars. I only found out I had no default insurance when I was injured and required assistance. CBUS hand balled me to them, I had no idea who they were and I was advised for over two months that I had insurance only to be told it had been declined but somewhere along the way they forgot to notify me. TAL had no idea why CBUS had given me info on default insurance and CBUS blamed TAL. I sent them screen shots and they reassured me it was finalised and weren't sure why I was given the incorrect information which ended up being the correct outcome. Now I have to hire a lawyer to sort out their mess!."
09 Jul 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I had just purchased a few policies with TAL. The application process was quick and the benefits within policies are good.."
03 Jul 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Claim not paid out for income protection after two months. Staff pleasant and professional, Case Manager Steve professional and easy to talk to.."
30 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "LIKE - easy to change coverage. Details are also displayed cleanly in the AusSuper app. DISLIKE - terrible value for money, and don't feel that I can trust company if ever need to make a claim.."
26 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "There’s not much I like about this Insurer, but it is so difficult to obtain insurance once you reach the age of 40, that I rather feel stuck with them. Their communication is diabolical, and the process is overly bureaucratic.."
26 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "All good so far, I havent had to deal with them much directly as policy was arranged via my financial planner. But I know the company well and think they are great, for the following reasons: Number 1 insurer in Australia by inforce policies Very high claim payments in 2019 They support a few worthy local causes luke RFDS."
26 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I have this insurance through Australian Super which is provided by TAL Life Limited. Fees seem reasonable, and I am updated with information when needed. Quite quick to get through to them on the phone and they are very helpful with any enquiries, which I like. They could improve by providing more specific information on how Income Protection Insurance, TPD and Life Insurance works - via email, and encourage members to review their cover once or twice a year.."
24 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Relatively cheap option to upgrade my death insurance to $2million. Great customer service and advice."
23 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "Good price, service, payment option flexibility. Fulfillment involved lengthy questionnaire however normal for a retail product."
22 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to sign up, competitive price but above average cover. Not had to claim as yet but good up to now.."
22 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Was good cover at the time, but the annual cost increases are becoming significant and don't cover as much as I would need now.."
08 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "47% increase in Life insurance premium and 34% increase in Income Protection. Never made a claim. Their justification is changes in legislation and high claims. They are funding their COVID impacts by gouging long term customers. Because this is a policy offered by my superfund I am basically trapped in paying for this ripoff cover. Absolutely disgusted with TAL.."
02 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "In a very frightened game time in my life, the case manager in my claim has been nothing but compassionate , helpful and concerned for my welfare. Being a control freak and having everything out of my control has been quite a challenge. I highly recommend TAL to all.."
24 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I actually can't remember it was so long ago - and good that I haven't had to claim on my life insurance of for TPD. You need to have an option of N/A for your questions as literally my only interaction with them over the past few years has been to update my credit card details for automatic monthly payments (and there have been no issues there!).."
22 Apr 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Administration is wowful,they don't make anything easy for their customers."
18 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I took this insurance out when I reviewed my superannuation. I havnt had any direct dealing with them."
09 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection, Funeral Insurance / Plan for 3 years.
    "I have used my accountants office to provide me with the details from TAL. So I have been lucky enough to have their support through the process.."
07 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I have been very happy with the handling of my claim.."
07 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I would like better value for money out the policy. The benefits do not appear to be there, and I may change insurance providers in the future.."
07 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Access page was confusing but in the end I worked it out."
06 Mar 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "TAL have good service, is a trusted company but I think their premiums are too high."
26 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "TAL offer good product information. My advisor helped with the application and it was easy.."
26 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Glad I had it now I have terminal illness since 2015."
22 Feb 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Yes, I definitely will recommend The TAL insurance to my friends and family members.."
22 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Good communication. Good value. Overall happy with the policy but have not had to claim.."
19 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "My overall experience has been somewhat unremarkable. I think they missed an opportunity to be a leader in communicating regulatory change events last financial year direct to policyholders irrespective of first or second hand Group or Retail relationships with customers. I would've liked to have seen some sort of correspondence or comparison of how the implementation of regulatory change such as PYS and PMIF coming up would impact my premiums and the projected increases and how that stacks up against other insurers. I would've also enjoyed receiving more health related newsletters direct from my insurer particularly around the bushfires and the current pandemic e.g. how to stay healthy, stats on exposures etc.."
11 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Good value for money. Acceptable premiums and easy to sign up."
08 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The insurer were flexible with determining income with a trust arrangement in place.."
04 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "TAL Insurance sells insurance products but not to everyone. The moment they discovered my relative had Parkinson's disease they did not hesitate to discriminate against him and decline to cover him. You can consider yourself lucky if these people will insure you or even pay a claim as they are so discriminating.."
16 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Friendly and had all the information I needed. Called me back to clarify.."
09 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I haven't really had any experience. I'll find out if I have to make a claim.."
09 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Quite easy to apply for through my super find, Unisuper. No direct dealings required.."
21 Nov 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "The rep was courteous and friend and explored relevant options for my circumstances."
03 Nov 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "TAL and Australian Super ganged up on me, treated me like a fool and refused to help me at all. I had a massive brain injury which left me disabled. They treated me like a child, provided false information about my eligibility and the SCT could not investigate any wrongdoing and had to rely on their dodgy 'evidence'. I would not trust anyone who works in TAL in Australia and the overseas parent of th ecompany, ever again."
30 Oct 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 6 years.
    "TAL have taken far too long to process what they call income insurance when I have had no money and I am facing exviction no gas, no mod cons, below the poverty line and if i didnt have a step family I would be in the gutter. They need to make the bridging process smoother!."
30 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Applied with a broker. Never had to interact directly with them.."
28 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Have been able to change my insurance and work rating quickly online which has been super convenient with my changing circumstances and job recently.."
24 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I am very happy with TAL since they provide me regular updates and payment is simple and easy.."
20 Aug 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 8 years.
    "The TAL application process was quick and easy. I find their policy prices to be competitive. Overall the policy terms seem generous. I would recommend adding this company to your must check list to see if it is suitable for you.."
30 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Called once to clarify few things, were given generic answers if any. Feeling insecure sometimes as these mob have no physical presence in Perth. Had them simply because they tagged along with Australian Super.."
28 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Good communication. No issues. Deals with changes effectively. Offers reasonable advice.."
24 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "The premiums keep increasing for no extra value and the communications are poor. I tried to get documentation from them about my policy and that was very difficult. I would consider changing but I am concerned about the impact of doing so.."
23 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Overall happy with this insurer. Always helpful when called re any issues.."
20 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I receive it through my superannuation and do not have a very active role in the insurance.."
11 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have held TAL income protection and critical illness insurance for 10 years now. This year my premium went up by 23%. When I called TAL to ask what has driven the increase when I have level premiums (ie, they don't increase with age), they could not explain it. The Customer Service representative tried to suggest that it wasn't that big an increase by comparison, because it went up 10% last year, and 18% the year before. All that did was make me feel completely foolish that I hadn't noticed that my level premiums have gone up over 50% in only three years! I asked for a new quote based on a reduction in cover and was told it would take 3 to 5 business days to produce. It was definitely a wake up call that made me review my insurance needs and shop around. There has been competition and innovation in the personal insurance sector in the last 10 years and while the benefits that TAL offer are very good, there are other insurers that offer products suitable for my needs for much more reasonable annual premiums. They will get back to you with a quote immediately. I have never made any claims with TAL so I can't comment on their claims process.."
06 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to talk to and arrange. Makes dealing with things a lot smoother when a rear persons on the phone when you need help."
16 Jun 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "As I have not yet had to make a claim against this insurance company I cannot say what level of service they provide.."
12 Jun 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The customer service team is not really good they could improve on that side of things."
11 Jun 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Just bought it off the tv for protection for my family."
22 May 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "We have found TAL to be very good. comprehensive and efficient.."
26 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Experience has been great so far. It was especially convenient that they will send someone to my place for a health check-up.."
20 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "To be honest I don't really hear from them much, its really only once a year when the premium rolls over. At the times i have made contact they have been very helpful."
26 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Decent priced, covers what i need and comes with my super account."
21 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I dislike it's part of my super and the conditions that come with that."
19 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I haven't had any issues with this insurer as of yet... but I am still alive and haven't needed to make a claim yet. Their cover is quite good and reasonably priced.."
19 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Easy to setup and easy ongoing repayment. Communication is very minimal, which is ok. Have not needer to claim yet so cannot comment on that process.."
19 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I haven't made a claim, and I haven't really shopped around, I can't really say too much good or bad about them, but from my experience so for they are fine.."
19 Mar 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "Neither liked or disliked as it goest through my superannuation fund.."
22 Feb 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "The costs seem a bit high to me but their staff are very good & quick to respond."
12 Feb 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "At this point i have not had to make a claim although the process to obtain the polices was easy and clear."
10 Jan 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I've worked in finance and with insurers for 14 years. Worked 2 jobs since i was 13, until i was struck down with severe depression, anxiety and depression. Been going through my income protection claim with TAL for 10 months now, strung along, harassed, asked for documents i could not legally supply to them, then declined for it. My medical condition has deteriorated rapidly as a result of their actions. During this time lost half my home in a freak fire, $300,000. Only insured for half. TAL knew, had everything to finalise my claim, managers told me repeatedly they were finalizing it everyday for months but never did. The horrendous treatment they have subjected me to has meant i now have to undergo further medical treatment, and other treatment for the rest of my life as a result. This is all medical treatment i desperately need but cannot afford due to TAL's actions. I will also have to sell my home very shortly because of TAL and the extensive time they have taken. This is also the home i have been unable to leave for 3 years, and still currently can't. Because of what TAL have done, i don't know if i ever will be able to now or what will happen as i cannot afford the medical treatment i require to get better because of TAL. I am currently pursuing this with AFCA to hopefully see the right thing done. I cannot stress enough, this company is the worst insurance company i have encountered in my life and i have worked in this field for 14 years. If you need further proof, have a look at the news recently regarding TAL and their appauling treatment towards their customers, as well as declining valid claims and dragging them out for no reason.."
08 Jan 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have been with TAL for about 18 years, when I called to review my existing policy and change it to a more current policy to reduce the monthly premiums I was treated like a new client looking for new cover. I felt that longterm clients are not rewarded.."
05 Jan 2019 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Cost effective and easy to apply and covered me when I had a previous cancer."
17 Dec 2018 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "We are currently in the process of making a claim after i have had spinal surgery and off work for at least 6wks. my insurer will not even look at my forms for 4 weeks (this does not get backpaid) then we have to wait an additional 4wks before we get any money. by then we have had 8wks of no income during the xmas period."
22 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have been a long time policy holder at TAL for many years. They make it very difficult for you to receive documentation on your current policy or update details. I am seriously considering cancelling these policies in the near future as they don't provide value for money. I expect that it would also be unlikely that they will honour a any claims made.."
21 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The application process was a bit back and forth which was inconvenient but also reassuring that I was getting a quality product. I found TAL after my previous insurer RAC increased my premium."
15 Nov 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I like the transparency, doing the medical check up front is reassuring. Also that we own the policy.."
20 Oct 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to use calculator that made it easy to compare different policy amounts and the associated cost. They were also quick to correct a typo on my policy documents when it was noticed.."
20 Oct 2018 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "They are quite reasonably priced as compared to other insurers. You could make changes online however and overall I am happy with this insurer.."
14 Sep 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I made a claim through the financial hardship policy to release my superannuation as I was dealing with the aftermath of homelessness due to complex childhood lost traumatic stress disorder and adult adhd and some abuse, grief and loss I simply wasn't coping with. However I had used all my energy and determination to break outbof the homelessness downward spiral that most people get caught in with the detrimental and actively destructive systems in place (or lack of) forvtjise who are on the inner south side of Melbourne- and to add to that the fail to deliver any dual diagnosis options or any adequate mental health support especially for people lucky enough to obtain orivste rental agsin after homelessness. Homelessness for me came about after the complex trauma and compiling traumatic events led to being subjected to five hours of extreme violence from a drunken flatmate who is a social worker by occupation when the police finally did attend the property after the other man there who'd taken to hiding in his bedroom and locking the diirvhadvtried the police several times asking them to attend to intervene, the police were very disinterested in my circumstances and told me I'd have to wait until the next day and go to a crisis service in at kilda. As you can imagine afte five months of homelessness and the impact on my mental health as well as no adequate services to help me re-learn life skills without living in 'survival/fear mode abd day to day taken up with where shelter, food, safety etc would be available or not, it is has been three long years trying to access adequate support. So I needed to access my superannuation to help me stay in private rental since furnishing s whole flat, the moving costs, storage unit final bills, and moving that plus rent, bills etc and on a Newstart payment because to this day I am still unable to access the disability pension as the paperwork involved basically means that if you do manage to get it all together with the evidence required then you're probably one of very few people with a disability whodevlife isn't snowed under by chaos and backlogs of issues with paperwork sbd phone calls and trying to establish s self care routine, attend appointments etc. TAL we're actively cruel and aggressive as well as underhanded and did everything they could over the course of an eight week long and very humiliating, debilitating battle to have the several thousand dollars I had requested released to me so I could pay the rent in arrreas and stay in private rental. I had to call them at least twice s day the entire eight weeks with s new set of information that completely contradicted the May of the day before every time I rang to the point where I had to nominate a supportive friend to speak on my behalf as the sheer frustration and humiliation became unbearable. I still had some will power intact three years ago and white knuckles it through to them finally paying most of the small sum is requested but in theee different chunks and the last resulting in them opening a new account to release the money through so they could attempt to claim that so never have had TPD insurance when I have the paperwork in a file at home showing statements that I do have TPD cover st thevtime I had to stop working due to the enmeshed and damaging effects of the undiagnosed adhd and CPTSD on my ability to cope with the pressure of work and full time study.. I have seen in the news that undurersvincluding TAL have been spyingbon people with mental illnesses who have put in TPD claims and I have actually been experiencing a whole range of very disturbing issues around issuesclikr spyware such as Cerberus being the potential cause of a lot of intimidating and disturbing issues withbmy phone among other things I don't want to disclose on s public forum. Let's judt say - the news of this on TV tonight has shocked me but is not surprising given the sheer blatant cruel way that my financial hardship claim was treated. I sincerely hope that the news of this behaviour by the insurers will put an end to the hiring of private detectives and spying on mentally ill people who have told claims in place. It's out in public move- please anyone with a current claim I would suggest if you haven't already - get a law firm to represent you and don't be intimidated and bullied by the thuggery of this kind of disgusting behaviour and tactics the insurers have used to avoid having to pay people with disabilities who are not financially capable of being able to access any level of help, support or adequate treatment. TPD claims are there for helpingbthode whose wquality of life or even ability to survive is not possible- the payment of these claims is crucial to be able to afford private health insurance or expensive medical costs and ongoing costs involved in sustaining a level of dignity and being able to maintain connections with family while the ability to enjoy a fruitful working life is no longer possible - which is a great source of grief in itself.."
07 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "So far quite happy. Always answers question in a timely manner."
27 Jul 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "I have been with tal Insurance for the past 6 years.i was overall pleased with the way my claim was handled. The customer service was excellent would recommend this insurance to anyone.."
27 Jun 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I have been with TAL for quite a while as it offers the best the best income protection policy when compared to others in terms of the waiting time to claim and overall claim provided.."
29 May 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "This insurer was great, I was able to run my policy thru my SMSF making it deductible, it was expensive for what it was but I was otherwise unisurable."
07 May 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "After 5 months of back and forth asking for more infomation and consulting with so called 'experts' Tal declined my claim for income protection over 5 day technicalities as the earliest surgury date put me 5 days out of the year from accident and will not help me. DO NOT GO WITH TAL, CANCEL ALL POLICYS.."
02 Mar 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "From now on I advice everybody never to take out crisis care insurance especially with Tal, my wife and I have had crisis care for over ten years, my wife had a medical crisis where she nearly died and has permanent injury, when we needed money the most to be supported through this her claim was rejected.We are financially ruined. It is the biggest con ever.."
02 Mar 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "Very easy application (through Super Fund), and reasonable premiums. Haven't had to claim so cant comment on claims process.."
21 Feb 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Insurance world is a whole intimidating world for the average person. TAL made it somewhat less daunting but still a fair amount of unknown when signing up and dealing with insurance. Still i great company but have never had to claim anything yet.."
26 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "It comes as a part of my Super Policy I have not had to deal with the insurer so I can not give claims detai."
22 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I haven't had any direct dealings with them - everything is done through my broker.."
20 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Tal insurance is now affilitated with Australian Super some premiums decreased and some increased. They are fairly standard premiums for the Superannuation Industry. They processed my revised applications efficiently.."
08 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Funeral Insurance / Plan for 8 years.
    "Rarely hear from them, thinking of cancelling it. waste of money in my opinion."
11 Dec 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I’ve had no problems with them at all. Easy application process.."
27 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "I would recommend them. They're quick to answer questions and also have a very easy to read guide on the service.."
27 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The insurance was organised through my super fund. The broker was very good and the premiums are comparable to what I was paying before but with improved cover.."
21 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "The only time they rang me was to tell me my policy was canceled due to not receiving premium on time Not that the premium was late Not that we are about to cancel your policy Not that we haven't received your premium Only to tell me if was canceled The reinstatement process is appalling They are dragging their feet and waiting me out so I just walk away frustrated and beaten by the corporate money cobbler they are Stay away regardless of what they say They will blatantly lie and protect themselves You don't matter."
10 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Easy and straightforward application process. Very open lines of communication.."
22 Aug 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "All insurance is overpriced, no communication back (aside from yearly statements).."
14 Apr 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 9 years.
    "Well Australia super pay insurance out of my super fund which is a rort and you don't know this is happening to TAL life insurance and when you ring then to get a statement and transaction from them you can't get one from them to check what Australia super is paying TAL life insurance them and this is our money come out of my Australia supper fund as these two business are making a killing with our money as member when I told them that I didn't what insurance as the insurance just keep eaten in to your supper fund till there is none left TAL life insurance must have a responsibility to let Australia super fund member no that there is money come out of Australia super fund member account and not just reaping the benefits with out the member not knowing what going on between there two companies are doing with the member money with no statement and transaction not clear by both companies and then I angry for a quote from TAL life insurance at $100,000 thousand dollars and it was half the prices that has been taken out of my Australia super fund and the insurance that I had was only for $35,000 thousand dollars so this is a rort going on here."
12 Mar 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Tal insurance is not to be trusted, still waiting on claim after 14 years, proven disability, spinal and head due to work injury. Seen all the promises on their website and bought this to their attention, so they Tal deleted all the details of any promises on the website. Luckily I took a copy of this before they changed it, showed my lawyer he said it just goes to show what type of company you’re dealing with. They will not honor a contract, will run you broke fighting them, and this is what they have done. Don't bother trying to make a claim. They will use every trick in the book to stall or totally avoid payment to you! They will not help you in your time of need, they will just treat you like a criminal! Don't use tal more than 14 years down the track now and TAL are still treating me like a criminal ,I asked for forms to escalate my case ,my Dr asked ,there local insurance person asked till he was blue in the face ,no forms still, heard about all the lie's they can tell. They are trying every trick known and unknown to get out of paying my claim. I think they hope that if they string you along for long enough you will be struggling so much financially that you won't be able to afford to take them to court. Don't believe Tal's TV advertisement Don't expect that Tal will pay you when you make a claim. If only it were that simple. They will scrutinise every detail in an effort to avoid paying your claim. You will get the run around for possibly years until you just give up or are financially ruined. Find a better insurance company. That shouldn't be hard when Tal's attitude and performance when you need them is so downright poor! Have been unable to pay for spinal surgery to stop the pain I suffered from the workshop injuries this has cost me everything financially . Don't trust them,they are not even an Australian owned company.."
02 Feb 2017 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Great policy rate and great customer service from Donna. I will recommend the service to friends.."
20 Nov 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Excellent product overall, good feature and benefits, easy application process."
17 Nov 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "The application process for TAL Life insurance was easy and hassle free. Insurance Watch were great in assisting with the process and advice. I made a claim for prostate cancer in August this year. With the help of Insurance Watch as my advisor the claim application was very easy to complete. TAL Life were very efficient and helpful in processing my claim. It did take a couple of months to process the claim. This wasn't the fault of TAL Life, but the fault of other parties delaying information to TAL Life for them to complete the claim and make a decision. Under the terms of my policy there were some grey areas where my claim could of been declined by TAL Life. With the help of Insurance Watch (Donna) we put a business case forward to TAL Life to pay my claim. TAL Life chose to exercise their discretion and showed understanding and compassion and paid my claim. I would highly recommend TAL Life for all your Life Insurance needs. Also would like to say that Insurance Watch have been Fantastic to deal with through the whole process of applying for Insurance to making a claim. They are a credit to the insurance industry.."
14 Nov 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "This is a brief of my complaint - there were many more phone calls and contacts. My wife and I had a Tal Life insurance for well over 10 years and in that time the premiums for my policy, ballooned out of all proportions. I personally had cover for $1,000,000 and attempted to cancel the policy as the price had spiralled upward of $12,000 per year. I paid that years payment and asked for the cost of the premium for the next year, which they refused to give, as they claimed it was to complex and would only be given when due. I asked them for the form to cancel my policy, which they said would be posted (they claimed they were not allowed to email it) - It never arrived. When the next premium was due it had rocketed up over $15,000. The only way I could cancel it was to refuse to pay the premium and THEN, when they contacted me, as the premium had not been paid, they sent me the form to cancel the policy. Taking into account the nature of this company, it would have been a nightmare for my wife to have collected on this policy. - I believe they would have made life hell. KEEP AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!."
31 Oct 2016 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "The process of owning the policy was hassle free, however when i went to cancel my policy with them it was next to impossible!!!! I had to ask three times for the form to be emailed to me....!."
27 Sep 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Possibly the worst decision you could make is to use TAL. They are claim dodging scum who will treat you like a criminal and get out of paying whatever they can! Really bad value!."
04 Aug 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "TAL is the insurer of choice of my Super fund (UNISuper). I transferred my super across to UNISuper and subsequently had to re-lodge an application to increase my insurance level (such as I had with my previous Superfund). Doing the right thing I ticked a box on the form to indicate that I had an identified condition with a heart value – a completely non-life threatening, non-anything condition that large portions of the population are born with and never even know they have, but I happened to have been told about it and figured it was the right thing to declare. TAL then made me jump through a ridiculous number of hoops getting reports from doctors and cardiologists etc. all of whom told me there was nothing to really worry about with my condition. Five months later TAL sent me through a letter denying my application for insurance. Clearly no one at TAL Life Insurance has any medical training what so ever and the company is a typical SHAM insurance agent just out to make money and do whatever is necessary to deny members their right to fair cover and fair compensation. I’m am very disappointed that UNISuper would use such a disgraceful excuse for an insurer.."
01 Aug 2016 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The application process was clear and efficient I am still waiting on the welcome pack but I would imagine it will arrive soon."
21 Jul 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Had Life Cover for many years. Cover is now small but huge premium for the cover increasing annually. Did a check and Allianz premium for the same cover is HALF. Tried to talk to TAL. Today is my third attempt. Am sick of ' We will get back to you. This is an old policy and I don't have access to it.' Still no one calls me. TAL it's time for a divorce and I will certainly tell friends and colleagues of my poor relationship with TAL.."
08 Feb 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to call and talk with. Very unhelpful and will do anything to get out of a claim. Do not recommend as it will only prolong suffering."
01 Jan 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Never claimed, never know. Buy TAL as I had insurance with them at my industry superfund.."
01 Jan 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I had TAL life and TPD insurance at my industry super fund before. Never claimed so never know the service quality.."
13 Oct 2015 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Good insurerer that provides a good service at a reasonable price."
05 Aug 2015 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 8 years.
    "I have read all the comments on this insurer, I don't normally leave feedback etc. but I just had to with this lot. Yes they, like most probably all insurers make it sweet and easy to sign up and give them money! All those that have written excellent insurer wait till you have to claim ..... Having had this policy for over 8 years, I unfortunately injured my back at work, so I wasn't after the full amount just the top up that workers comp. didn't pay. The amount of forms I have had to fill out, with duplicate forms that doctors and surgeons have had to fill out is unbelievable, that's if the forms they sent where actually sent out, having supplied them with half a forest worth of paperwork there always seems to be something missing. To say I'm very unhappy with them is a big understatement. If you do choose to use this insurer, be prepared to do lots of running around and paperwork, having your case manager swapped mid process, phone calls not returned/answered all in all I think my rating of TAL is spot on."
02 Aug 2015 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 7 years.
    "My partner is currently in the process of claiming on income protection through TAL. He has paid their premiums for nearly 7 years without ever claiming. He injured his back at work 3 1/2 months ago and has been home on workers compensation since. The workers compensation payments were to drop to 80% of his income after 3 months so my partner contacted TAL (4 weeks earlier) and was assured they would 'top up' his income and he just needed to contact them when the 3 months was up. We're now into 3 1/2 months and TAL's requests for certificate completion by various doctors, copies of group certificates and multiple other requests has stalled any payments. My partner has phoned them every day and he is constantly told that he needs to provide 'one more piece of information / evidence'. One of the advisors recently mentioned another injury he had 4 years ago - not entirely sure of the relevance considering no claim for income protection was made ? Mick is legitimately injured and having surgery next Friday. He has been able to prove this but still TAL have made us wait. He has seen out any waiting periods but at this stage TAL have not made any income protection payments. It is nearly 4 months and our mortgage & bills still have to be paid. We feel thoroughly dissatisfied and frustrated and would not, at this stage recommend this insurance company for income protection.."
29 Jun 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "I would recommend this insurer to others. I have used them for a number of years.."
05 May 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Life Insurance stops at age 80. Don't know if this is standard but I'm looking for options.."
04 Apr 2015 Overall rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "These guys are the a bunch of thieves they have been taking my premiums for over 15 years a valid life threatening illness ie CANCER with a medical advice that returning to work will inhibit my recovery still does not motivate these bastards to honour their obligations please do not insure with these people -you will be wasting your money."
24 Mar 2015 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Insurancewatch was fantastic to deal with. Every question I asked was answered quickly as well as any quotes I requested. I would recommend Insurancewatch to anyone looking for insurance. Anja."
10 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The application process was quite easy and hassles free. The premium is cheaper than other insurers for comparable cover.."
08 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Well, buying a policy is so easy but try and make a claim. Yeap, I seriously hurt myself by a fall. I put a claim in. They needed so many reports. It took sometime to get these Reports. I couldnt leave the house and when I did it was exhausting. Hospital Report including Xrays clearly showed that I had really hurt myself. When you are so unwell this is an extremely difficult process. I had to pay for all the Reports, so by the time I paid tax and fees I was left with a very precious small amount. In September I submitted an Update Report, which was posted at the end of September. On the 9 October I was requested for another Update Report. The ink was barely dry on the September Update. When I rang and spoke to someone other than my Case Manager who was shocked that this did not seem correct or proper. Subsequently I didnt have to lodge the October Update. So to say the least, it all depends on your Case Manager as to how difficult the process is. It not like the TV Ad where the guy has a broken leg and has income protection. Goodluck with that, cos you generally have a waiting period in order to access Income Protection, so check your Policy.."
25 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Application through Insurance Watch is easy enough and PDS is attached which help with decision making. The person I dealt with at Insurance Watch, Donna is helpful and great at replying to my queries promptly. Overall, the whole process is professional and smooth. I would have no hesitation in recommending others to use this service.."
18 Feb 2015 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "My policy is twice the amount that i see them listed on your site. Plus they just tried to push 15% increases onto me.."
18 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I liked that they qualified their risk but didn't put the price up The policy had alot of great features that my previous insurer did not. Communication was good but the best feature was the price. I would recommend this service to anyone who was looking for insurance, saves time and money and gives a great product ( not just a discount policy)."
08 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Premiums have gone through the roof this year and I will not be renewing with TAL."
10 Jan 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Looking at value for money as current policies with TAL that was organized by our Financial Planner seem a bit excessive against other providers as per Insurance Watch website.."
09 Oct 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Yes I would recommend, process was easy to complete and follow.."
23 Sep 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I like it for its value and benefits and I can recommend to others. However I haven't made any claim yet.."
12 Sep 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Have found the experience surprisingly quick & efficient. Had very responsive & friendly experience from Insurance Watch. Will return to this broker for future insurance needs.."
29 Aug 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I found the process very easy (online) and did it myself. I would recommended them, although I have not made a claim.."
08 Jul 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 9 years.
    "Have not had a revision with this company since new 9 years ago."
03 Jul 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "I have a policy with this insurer but through a broker which is WealthSure Pty Ltd. My premium is approx $400 per month and I can obtain the same cover online for approx $110 per month. TAL themselves seem very professional but I will not accept what I am paying at the moment.."
25 Jun 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I think it should be more clearly explained that for a business owner, amount of income protected is your gross income and is not linked to your business income.."
17 Jun 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "Good communication, good customer service, would like more time to review policy renewal before due date."
03 Jun 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "My overall experience has been hard work trying to claim what I am entitled to. Never hear from assessor never available except to leave a message on her phone. I am the one continuously forwarding to them copies of the paper work already forwarded to them, as to date I have had 3 assessors. No I could not recommend them to anyone, and sadly I am sorry I am with them too.."
14 Feb 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "We were with TAL insurance company for approx four years and never claimed a cent. When we chose to close the policy, we no longer required. That is when they chose to be difficult. We emailed closure details stating all the necessary information. (Email is how all correspondence had been dealt with during the whole setting up process) although we still receive 'please pay' letters constantly. Four months and many calls/emails - we are still receiving 'please pay' letters! Easy to setup the account hard to close!."
23 Jan 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "It was easy to get the quote and submit the application."
13 Jan 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Terrible. Case workers NEVER call back and despite TAL's assurance that your case worker will keep in touch there is no communication after the claim is processed. Several months ago I made a formal compliant re: poor service. It took a week for the complaints officer to call me back, and despite the officer assuring me I would receive and outcome I never heard anything back. Monthly forms for assessment have not arrived on three occasions, and when I made a complaint about this the second time it happened the explanation I was give was 'perhaps it got lost in the mail' and in future I should really call TAL if my forms don't arrive! TAL's motto of 'we're here to help' is a total farce! Overall I have found dealing with TAL a really stressful experience which has not helped with being ill. Every month is an anxious wait to see if my benefits will be paid on time. I wouldn't recommend them at all.."
09 Dec 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "They have an excellent offer for the price - about 20% cheaper than competitors. Would recommend. Haven't had to claim so can't comment on that.."
28 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I had an online insurance broker find the best deal for me and that was TAL. The whole process was quick and easy.I would highly recommend them to others.."
28 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I think all insurances are too pricey. I haven't had a claim but i hope the process would be as smooth as when i first signed up. My brother and sister also have Income Protection with Tal. I have another policy with Tal. I would recommend them to others...i am quiet happy.."
27 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Application and ongoing paperwork was was straightforward (thanks to Insurancewatch handling / processing this!). I am satisfied with the insurer, in what they offer and would therefore recommend them to friends & family.."
14 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I have found them easy to deal with. They made changes when asked and very promptly. Highly recommended and great value for money.."
26 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Quick and easy."
25 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Never had a claim so I have no idea what they were like."
24 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Liked: * Application process it was straight forward and over the phone Disliked: * Lack of written communications, infrequent communication Recommend: * Not sure I would recommend them, but I wouldn't advise against them either."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Minimal communication and updates once policy finalised. They failed to return my call. Premium seems very high compared to other policies quoted online. Currently considering a change to another company.."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Very easy simple application process.."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I liked it and overall it has good reputation and value for money."
19 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I have no issues with my insurance, I'm quite happy with it."
15 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Easy transact, great will kit provided free, reasonable policy fee.."
15 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Liked this insurer at first as it was the best monthly rate for what was offered. The premium has escalated so much over the past 2 years however (without my circumstances changing), I'm thinking of changing insurers. As my salary has gone up by about $10 000 over the past 3 years I enquired about changing the amount to be insured. This premium was an additional $30 a month on top of the increases already on my premium. Expensive!."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Using insurance watch was easy and the application and renew process was quick and easy too.."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Easy to apply and value for money.."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Information about the policy details was easily available. Relevant completion documentation arrived in a timely manner. There is no online component to 'check-in' or updated details that I can find with this TAL policy, or with their direct InsuranceLine arm. Something like that would be useful for them to provide clients. Having done it entirely online with Insurance Watch in the first place, it would be nice if they continued the trend!."
13 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Very good communication, efficient processing."
22 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The proccess was a little bit too much as in the forms were many and long. My wife and I both took out Life and the forms didnt work well with this but the customer service kept saying the forms were for couples. It came through at the end and the service was nice.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 9 years.
    "Never had a problem with this insurer. I would recommend them to peers.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Would not recommend. Policy not user friendly.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Offers excellent value for low cost would definitely recommend."
19 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The person who sold the insurance to me showed a great amount of concern and respect for my personal circumstances. this was very much appreciated.."
19 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Fantastic product and company, keep doing what you do best.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 3 years.
    "No ongoing communications or info to help me as a client consumer. low flexibility in assisting with changes.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "This insurer thinks nothing of raising premiums by 10-12% per year. Their customer service people can't even provide answer as to why the rises are so big except to smugly say 'you have a stepped premium ha ha'."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Looking for something with lower premium and with level option other than step only."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Very good."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Overall a prompt and easy service, just the paperwork could be a little confusing! But very happy with the process and excellent customer service!."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Regular check in to ensure I am still happy with product."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to setup and very quick to help out when have accidentally missed payment. Service is always very good if I ever need to contact them.."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "TAL have excellent service and they keep you up to date with timely information without overkill and inundating us with information overflow. I would certainly recommend them.."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "To me they are an insurer and just that. I pay them monthly and the premium seems reasonable when compared to the others in the market. The proof will come when / if I have to claim. I don't feel particularly strongly for or against them and somewhat resent paying insurance at all as I hope I'm never in a position where I have to claim.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Nothing either good or bad to say about them as everything to do with setup and ongoing matters has happened promptly and accurately, but I have not had to make a claim so I cannot say how good/bad they are on that side of things.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Nothing either good or bad to say about them as everything to do with setup and ongoing matters has happened promptly and accurately, but I have not had to make a claim so I cannot say how good/bad they are on that side of things.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, Funeral Insurance / Plan for 6 years.
    "Yes I would recommend this insurer to others, they ring occasionally to do a follow up on the policies but do not harass me, I believe these policies are affordable and value for money as I had rang a few and found these to be the best ones around at the time.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "Essentially a good value for money term life policy. Some minor hiccups in communications but good customer service.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Encountered exclusions that would not result in disability. Additional policy to counter exclusion lapsed and was not advised.."
10 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 7 years.
    "Very good customer service, and fast application process too. Also it's good they can deduct premium from my super (certain super platform/company only of course).."
08 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I haven't had any issues with TAL, it was recommended by you as the best policy for our situation. I haven't had to deal with them directly as it was all done by Insurance Watch. so overall a very straight forward process, once done you tend to forget about it and hope you don't need it!."
08 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I think TAL are a terrific insurer, they are great value for money and have a good track record of being easy to deal with (I have not had a claim myself but have had friends and family who have and they rate them very highly).."
08 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "What I mostly like for current insurer is easy communication via email and over the phone, but I don't like they are not willing to provide the softcopy of insurance contract.."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The choosing and application for this insurer was via yourselves (Insurance Watch), so this question is not really applicable.."
04 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "My financial planner Sam G. was very good at explaining it all to me, and working out what I needed. I would definitely recommend him to anyone.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "It seemed to offer the most for the money.would recommend to others.."
02 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had TAL Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Have made no claims, so difficult to assess.."