Reviews and star ratings come from customers who have had a Metlife Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection insurance policy.

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Overall rating:
Average+ from 35 reviews
Value for money
Features and benefits
Ease of Application
Timeliness of processing
Customer service and communication
Claims rating:
Terrible+ from 2 reviews
No reviews
Ease of lodging
Processing time
Helpfulness with enquiries

Read reviews

07 Jun 2024 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Have got this insurance through my superannuation fund, haven't spoken to them personally. It would be nice to have a better understanding of MetLife and their policies."
30 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Process online has been easy and no issues with amending cover online. I value this as time is always limited with small children.."
12 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Easy to access through superannuation yet to use reasonable value for money."
11 Dec 2022 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Prices provided for coverage through Australian Ethical Super were better than previous super fund and transferring was painless.."
12 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 3 years.
    "Very affordable cover, easy to apply, great customer service. I would definitely recommend them to others, and I have.."
01 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "The process was rather lengthy. The cost of insurance has gone up a bit lately.."
09 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Insurance just set up with super fund, no issues but no major oustanding points either."
14 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 8 years.
    "Easy process by phone but exorbitant monthly fees. I wish I had shopped around for a better deal at the time but feel I am now too old to get anything better.."
07 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "It was offered by my superannuation provider, it was pain free to setup, however communication was / is lacking. I would like to be offered an opportunity to better assess if the coverage I have still suits my needs (customer first). MetLife is happy that they sit there invisibly and get paid.."
10 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Swift response times, easy to understand, simple to upgrade, very clear communication. Very happy. Please note purchased from ML via Hostplus."
07 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Because it's via my super, it's extraordinarily expensive. Over 6k per annum.."
19 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The process of applying through my insurer was easy, and the level of cover offered suits my needs.."
17 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I haven't had many experiences with them. They seem fine but. I thing special.."
02 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Applying was easy, but too many phonecalls at too many places - including at the end just to confirm that they'd approved the application, should just be an e-mail notification.."
18 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 9 years.
    "MetLife underwrites Hostplus superannuation insurance of which I'm a member. I took out the policy as a part of my plan quite some time ago. It was convenient and straight forward. To be honest I haven't looked into it for years and should consider TPD and income protection too.."
22 Oct 2020 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "I have not made any claims but found the process of merging my other super accounts extremely easy and stress free. It was done within 3 days.."
06 Sep 2020 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Good value - however price has increased significantly in recent times.."
23 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Easy sign up process rolled up with my super, no difficulty in insuring myself.."
21 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Policy provided through super with Australian Ethical. Application process was painless and simple.."
09 Jun 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 8 years.
    "The premiums are very competitive, also their online platform through my super fund is easy to use. I would like to see about trauma cover sometime which they don't offer through my super fund. Overall a good policy.."
23 Mar 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had Metlife Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I was actually insured by Statewide who use Metlife. Statewide had a claims page where supposedly I could see the process of the claim but it was all but useless and to get any information I had to call or email the dedicated case worker. Their follow up with Doctors for reports consisted of a phone call once a fortnight or the re sending of the report form. I don't feel this is adequate. Although the case worker who I had contact with about my claim was friendly, empathetic and was able to answer my questions the whole process was stressful, had me chasing up Dr's and specialists trying to get reports returned asap, getting copies of reports from Dr's to send directly to the case worker (as they were going through a third party and not sent on in a timely manner) and required me contacting them frequently to find what was happening. I believe it would still be sitting there unresolved without my regular and constant attention. I had a couple of claims and only by accident did I discover a few months after lodging that only one of the claims was being processed and the IP well, I don't know exactly, but was either not put in or lost between Statewide and Metlife and I had to chase it up 3mths later for it to be processed. Both were on the same form I sent in so how it was missed I still don't understand. Even an email asking if I was making one or 2 claims and after email communication was confirmed that there were 2 claims before the mess up. During the time of my claim they installed a new system and on a couple of occasions the delay was due to this. My claims were lodged in Sept/Oct and one of them was this week finalised and the other I am still waiting on. How do they expect people to survive for so long while waiting? It was very stressful and depressing. After my experience no, I would not recommend them.."
08 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I transferred my Superannuation into HOSTPLUS, and therefore my Life Insurance, TPD and Income Protection insurance also transferred from my old fund to HOSTPLUS. Their insurance provider is MetLife. I tried to increase my Income Protection insurance as I am now in a higher paying position, but once I completed the forms they disallowed my IP cover. They would not give my cover with 'exclusions' or explain why. I have never had this problem with my previous insurers. I have had two surgeries on my forearm in the past 10 years, and a knee reconstruction when I was 21. And they wouldn't cover me. Absolutely ridiculous. Would not recommend to others.."
27 Feb 2020 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "I have life and total and permanent disability insurance through my super Australian Ethical, who go through Metlife. I've never had any dealings with them or had to make a claim.."
17 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Difficult to deal with over the phone and frequently send unpleasant letters threatening to cancel if unable to process payment rather than simply attempt to deduct double amount at next due date."
25 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 3 years.
    "Simple, easy process with quick review of application. Would recommend to others.."
19 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I has this insurance through my superfund (HostPlus). I never really had any communication with them.."
26 Jun 2019 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Easy coverage, haven't had to file a claim but it seems easy enough."
28 Feb 2019 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "They seem okay. I would recommend them to others. Signup process very easy. Fairly cheap.."
02 Dec 2018 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I have not had to make a claim, but it is affordable.."
19 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Customer service and general dealings with them have been poor, They accused me of lying and caused me great distress.."
01 Jul 2018 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I chose to go with CareSuper as they provide insurance via Metlife. The Metlife policies seem to provide a good level of cover for reasonable fees without demanding lots of paperwork.."
27 May 2018 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Slow communication & not consistent. Sometimes they’d email sometimes they’d send a letter & you weren’t clear where you stand with them hearing nothing for long periods of time after an enquirer.."
10 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "My insurance with Metlife (via my Super) has come up for review and they are increasing premiums substantially without satisfactory explanantion.....,which I am still waiting for.."
23 Jun 2014 Overall rating
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    Had Metlife Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Default insurer through my super policy. Have had no dealings with them other than coimmencing policies."