Reviews and star ratings come from customers who have had a OnePath Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection insurance policy.

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Overall rating:
Average+ from 186 reviews
Value for money
Features and benefits
Ease of Application
Timeliness of processing
Customer service and communication
Claims rating:
Average from 17 reviews
No reviews
Ease of lodging
Processing time
Helpfulness with enquiries

Read reviews

08 Jul 2024 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "To be honest I haven't really had much interaction with them myself, having a financial advisor handle everything for me. No complaints though."
22 Feb 2024 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "The process to secure insurance has been smooth and very transparent.."
09 Jan 2024 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "They paid me for a claim for Parkinson's disease. But a claim for a benign brain tumour was rejected. The said it was I had to keep my original insurance type of Trauma and life cover. They said I wouldn,t need to do anything and they would handle it. They changed my policy recovery cash which is not as good as the trauma policy and still very expensive. I feel that I have been taken advantage of in that they did not consider my naivety on insurance.."
06 Sep 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Expensive policies but it is required so I pay it.."
15 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "We have never had an issue with one path any changes or communication has always been good."
14 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "Was looking at updating the policy and found it difficult so have stayed with the one I have.."
15 Apr 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "The call centre and the online service are pretty helpful."
29 Mar 2023 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The process of application and getting insurance is very seamless and hassle-free. I would love to recommend my family and friends for One Path.."
15 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have been with them for years. Never had any dramas but yet to ever claim on it. As it's tax deductable I don't stress toouch about the premium rises."
10 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Funeral Insurance / Plan for 5 years.
    "I recently had communication over the phone the operator was very helpful in resolving a change of address. She checked my policy was still servicing my needs in a polite comforting manner.."
09 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I didn't appreciate how the annual premiums kept increasing at a seemingly exorbitant rate.."
08 Oct 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 8 years.
    "A ridiculous loading due to bmi without any other risk factors I feel is ridiculous.."
08 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I have only about 2mths ago cancelled my life and trauma insurance. Earlier years I was happy with them but as I got older the premiums were soaring and then found out once I reached 70 yrs old it converts to another type of policy. I have poured thousands and thousands of dollars into this co. which wasn't the original co. as has changed its name over the 20 or so yrs I have been with them. I would have continued but premiums were keeping me broke."
18 Jul 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Does the job , qantas points earning, but prices rise."
20 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Too expensive. Too late to respond. Need savings. Overall Average.."
10 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I had a Life Insurance Broker come and he suggested taking out with One Path. We have been happy with them but premiums were becoming expensive with my husbands policy so we cancelled and he changed to Aus Super Insurance. Mine is still with Onepath but as I suffer from depression and on meds there is an exclusion clause as well as an exclusion clause for breast cancer as my mother and sister had suffered from that disease. I think thee are better providers around so no I would not recommend to others.."
29 Apr 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "Appears to be good coverage which was my reason for choosing. The application took quite a bit longer than expected.."
22 Mar 2022 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I've never had to make use of the policy, so I can't recommend them yet!."
15 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to find and compare benefits with one path! I'm impressed."
08 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "It's a bit hard to really know how good they are without having needed to make a claim. They seem to be competitively priced in the market, but I don't get a sense that they are particularly better or worse performing than others."
05 Sep 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I had Life cover and TPD with this insurer attached to a North Super account (AMP). When I closed the super account the run around I and my wife had to cancel our policies was unbelievable. First an email - next a signed letter from each of us - then that was not good enough and we had to sign their cancel policy form - all dragging on over several months and phone calls and the run around. Then this month they dare to take $655 off us after we jumped through all their hoops. I am pursuing them vigorously to recover the money - disgraceful behaviour I would avoid them at all costs.."
28 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Process of taking out insurance was easy and concise, I would recommend.."
28 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Mostly satisfied, sometimes the email responses are a little slow, depending upon the case manager at the time. Claims experience good. Policy coverage, older IPI policy excellent !."
07 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "We've been with One Path for quite a while, and love the peace of mind this brings. Our brother is an Insurance Broker so we trust his advice to recommend them."
07 Apr 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I was originally skeptical about the online process, but was pleasantly surprised how straightforward it was. The insurancewatch site that compares the various insurers was in my mind a great tool and second to none I've seen. The telephone interview about the various questions was very easy because I was informed about the requirements and was prepared. The insurer and the insurance agent kept me informed all the way throughout the progress plus next steps, which were reassuring. The overall process from start to finish was faultless.."
08 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "Insurance is insurance. Quick to take money, slow to pay out.."
24 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Stereotypically confusing on whats being covered, I was in fact under impression that being made redundant would trigger my income protection and it didnt... meh."
10 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "OnePath to Hell, please never ever consider this company or any Zurich products for any Insurance requirements. The entire company will never uphold their own rules to the detriment of the insured people. A totally pathetic excuse of an insurance company that will have yourself asking 'why you ever bothered lodging a claim?' I hope AFCA & The Federal Government will bring them back down to earth with a huge bump this year.."
05 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 7 years.
    "Premiums increase too quickly had to cancel too expensive, cannot afford the monthly premium imagine what it will be like in 20 years, no thanks."
02 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 8 years.
    "I have a life insurance, mostly so that my husband can pay off our mortgage if I die. I went through a broker and the policy just auto renews. I'm not sure I would like to continue this policy and will look into rather securing a TPD policy. One path is average. They are not very effective when it comes to changing addresses. I won't claim on this policy unless I die, so no idea how effective they are at honoring the policy.."
30 Dec 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I had a terrible skiing injury in NZ two years ago. One path were very helpful and accommodating.."
13 Nov 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Trauma claim following stroke. Onepath paid out quickly and without problems. Just what you want when taking this type of cover out.."
03 Jul 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Had x2 polices - Income Protection. - made a claim they paid out x3 instalments then decided as my business wasn''t making enough profit they weren''t going to pay anymore robbing me of $60k per year over 11 years! As for the second claim. - TPD, they have dragged it out and further dragged it out and its still on going - am at my wits end- they dont give a s**t and will drag it out as long as they can in the hope you just disappear, forget about it or do something silly. As for the latter. - they might well get more than they bargained for!!! Typical insurer - happy to accept your premium, happy to chase you for any outstanding late premiums, then it comes to making a claim. - they spend all their time, energy and efforts in trying to wiggle out of it - be very very careful prior to taking a policy read the small print, have it read by someone else, then read again!!!! CAVEAT EMPTOR !!!! Am sure there are other companies out there who act in a more ethical fashion - suggest you put your trust and spend your hard earned money with them !!!!."
27 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 7 years.
    "I obtained this insurance through my SMSF and it was very expensive.. but while expensive I really wanted my family to not have hardships if I should have to claim or die ... the premiums skyrocketed over time and ... also they would not communicate with my Financial adviser regarding premiums outstanding or late ... Finally I have not yet retired but have had to allow the pilot to lapse just this month due to Covid 19 and not enough funds to pay the EXTREMELY expensive premiums even though there is a degree of benefit ... THOUSANDS of dollars wasted because I now am left totally without cover.."
07 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have a financial advisor who deals with all my insurances and super - I would never leave her. I trust her implicitly to provide me the most suitable cover for me.."
07 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Insurance very important every person that is cover some reason every person face some problem future so that time insurance lite of help."
11 Apr 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "It's OK, not good not bad. But I don't like they increase price every year."
05 Apr 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Funeral Insurance / Plan for 5 years.
    "I have no contact they don't call to see if the policy is still what I need, absolutely no correspondence except when my credit card is going to expire."
21 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 8 years.
    "This is hard as I find most insurance companies hard to deal with. From memory it wasn't a hard process and it has just rolled over each year with minimal fuss."
13 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "I would recommend this company to others because they come to your home to give you free advice .."
09 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Lack of interaction other than there prices are comparable and ok.."
25 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Since purchaseing the policy, I havent had any need to contact them.."
18 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Not clear about what is included and what is not eg. leave loading, sick leave etc. Be more transparent upfront, what happens if you have a long waiting period?."
15 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "I'm satisfied and confident in the knowledge that I'll be covered should I suffer a total and permanent disability, and that my debts and dependents will be taken care of in the event of my death.."
30 Jan 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "I dislike how premiums rise EVERY year yet I get nothing for it. I think most insurers are the same though, I wouldn't put any of them in high regard.."
19 Jan 2020 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "One path have always been so easy to work with.."
29 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Very easy customer service and very understanding of changes in circumstances."
24 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 7 years.
    "Couldn't update payment detail online, can update address online and can get qantas point which are good.."
09 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Its easy for me as my financial planner deals with the paperwork."
30 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "My broker suggested it so I know it will be good cover."
28 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I've never claimed so have not had any contact with them the payment comes out of my super."
13 Aug 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "Good online platform, complicated to understand if it's now ANZ or Onepath."
31 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I do not have any issues with this insurer as this was all organsied through a broker so experience was good.."
09 May 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Very happy with this insurer due to my current status and would highly recommend to others who are in a similar situation.."
03 May 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Ease of engagement and professional with a focus on excellent customer service."
28 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 5 years.
    "They have been good with everything I have asked and wanted to know about my policy."
15 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "The process of taking the policy was seamless. The customer service was knowledgeable and interested.."
17 Feb 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I'm glad you're here to help! I may be switching.."
18 Jan 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 8 years.
    "I have been trying to coordinate an appointment to speak with an advisor for 2 months. It seems that OnePath falls apart when a customer wants to see someone face to face. After presenting in person at the nearest ANZ branch (65 km from home) to make an appointment, I was told to use the call centre for advice only to find out from the genuinely nice person at the other end that the advice I wanted was beyond their scope of practice and that I would need to speak to an advisor. Fast forward to now, having again attended the ANZ branch and secured a date 4 weeks out (because the advisor that services the branch is on leave), i find out that they didn't actually make the appointment and cannot make the appointment while the advisor is on leave. And guess what - I've been offered a phone call instead! Terrible service except for the person at the call centre who identified I was asking for advice beyond their capacity.."
07 Jan 2019 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Claim processed quicker than I expected. My case manager V....... was exceptional. She rang when she said she would and sent out all of the forms to my doctor and me on time. When we did these that was all that was required. My claim was processed and payments started. I am still on Income Protection. A big plus are the phone calls to see how I am going without wanting anything. I might be lucky but my doctor/s and I make sure the forms we fill in are well documented and complete. I am very happy with OnePath.."
05 Dec 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "We would like to be kept up to date by them, shown new offers, new features, not just sent paperwork to read. Some of us actually need to have face to face interaction.."
18 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "They are ok just an average insurance company I guess.."
18 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 4 years.
    "I like they have given me a fixed premium, excluding CPI, and my payout doesn't stop for 30 years. Most others as I get older so my payout drops excessively fast with each year I age.."
21 Oct 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 9 years.
    "Policy was taken out with an insurance broker and was a poor decision on our behalf. we are currently in the process of changing insurers to our superannuation insurance company and will cancel the relevant components with the reviewed insurer soon."
24 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I have found one path to be great value with a reputable name, and good products. Application was easy with no medical and cover commenced quickly. My premium even went down this year!!."
15 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Combined policy to include all covers i need under one roof."
09 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "Went from 120 -270 a month in a over a few years rapidly rip off Its costing 3200 a year so i will cancell first thing tomorrow and will be changing banks because they recommended this dodgy outfit robbery parasites."
08 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Application process was easy and I would recommend them to others. Regular statement and unto date info always sent."
07 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Easy set up through my financial planner have had no claims and recieve statements when required."
30 Jul 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 4 years.
    "Be aware. Our premiums have gone up 30% in 3 years and we are in our late 30's. This was not what our financial planner advise would happen. It is getting hard to justify the value in this insurance and will look elsewhere.."
27 Jul 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I have a very real tpd claim now into its 7th year....Injury... A Broken Back.. I lost 50mm in height thats how bad.. anyway i more than tick every box in the eligibility area needed and have supplied undeniable supporting evidence. Even Onepaths medical representative agrees injury status... Lodged april 2012.... NOW 2018 and its still being processed... The treatment I am enduring from them is worse than I can verbalize.. The claims process that now into its 7th year has me snookered and at their mercy...Im NOW in a position And by THIER intentional Doing thats is a financial and mental crucifixion . Im stuck , where they have placed me.. waiting."
24 Jul 2018 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "I found it very difficult to navigate the level of insurance that I require. Consequently I referred to a financial advisor to provide me with advice regarding what is appropriate. The issue with referring to a financial advisor if that you feel like the process is out of your hands because you are relying on someone else for guidance. It would be fantastic if the insurance company provided information at a basic level regarding appropriate level of cover based on your current situation.."
24 Jul 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I have never had a problem with this insurer and i have a very good deal."
18 Jul 2018 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 4 years.
    "I find this Insurer to be quite good in communicating .statements are easy to read through and understand.I would recommend to others."
16 Jul 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "It was easy to set up but otherwise doesn't seem to be a particularly special policy. Others I've seen rate as similar.."
30 Jun 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Have yet to do a claim but they seem to be good cover for age, work etc.."
14 May 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Taken out through ANZ many years ago - only correspondence these days is the renewal advice!."
04 Apr 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I would rate the service and experience a 10/10 and recommend this to family and friends."
03 Apr 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I bought my policy mainly for peace of mind, and hoping I would never need to lodge a claim. I did not like the process of applying but then I understand that gathering all that information and detail is a necessary part of obtaining a policy. The process of renewing the policy is easy and I found it reasonably fair in price. I think that there might be a better way to prompt policy owners to reconsider the conditions of their policy as I believe I should have made some changes along the way. However, when I made a claim, my overall experience was relatively smooth. I liked that the insurer did not take up too much time probing and made the calculated payment very quickly. I didn't much like some of the questions I was asked when I wanted to submit a verbal acknowledgement of the contract (typing clarifying questions is difficult with one arm in a sling). I felt that some of those questions stepped beyond a clarification of my claim conditions and involved predictions about my likely progress and various comments suggesting that I should not consider my position in the unlikely circumstances that I am still unable to work when my injury is expected to resolve. However, I thought that these were reasonable questions, and still do. Overall, I am pleased that I have income protection insurance and I am happy with my insurer.."
22 Mar 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Good cover at an affordable price. Would highly recommend to anyone.."
13 Mar 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Not bad but not great, we did havea claim that we wanted to do but we were rejected we were dissapointed we were not covered."
29 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "It was arranged through a financial planner and my reason for reviewing is that there is a 15.8% increase in premiums this year and my circumstances have changed.."
26 Jan 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Waiting on hold time is bad and I don’t like the recorded voice to press buttons as end up in wrong department."
12 Jan 2018 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 9 years.
    "Very bad nothing but trouble with this company would not recamend."
13 Dec 2017 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Tried to cancel but it became too difficult but did manage to decrease amout."
08 Sep 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 3 years.
    "I don't think they are actually providing the insurance I asked or.."
23 Jul 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I have never had to make a claim but I am happy with the price per month and feel good knowing that if something bad was to happen then financially my family would be okay. I would and have recommended to others.."
17 Jul 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I have had no problems with one path, I have never had to claim so far. I am able to earn qantas points on my premiums. Unfortunately the premiums go up each year and is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with repayments."
09 Jul 2017 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Worst insurance company. I did receive a claim for my mothers death $250. Absolute joke. As she is over 65. As she had a disable person whom she cared for she went to this insurance company. Now we have nothing. She had paid for over 20 years to get $250. Will not be recommending this one path which is with ANZ bank. Even the people at the bank New my mother. Run away from these people and don't use them. No follow up calls when you ring them neither.."
03 Feb 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "The claim was easy to lodge and the customer service was helpful. I had to collect a lot of paperwork, but I guess this is expected. However, they kept asking for more and more every week. It took 4 and a half months to process my claim. In the end was successful, but my advice is: don't rely solely on insurance for immediate replacement of income, because it take months and months.."
14 Nov 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "My husband and I took out a life and trauma cover in September 2015 with One Path. They accepted the application straight away, as there was no significant medial history. In August 2016, in a cold morning while at work, my husband had a massive heart attack. Out of the blue. No warnings, no previous medical history, no family history. After gathering all the any documents required, it took them nearly 2 months to assess the claim and it was declined. A totally legit claim. When this kind of life changing events happen and you think, 'well, I am glad we were careful enough and are covered', no. They are more than happy to take your premiums, but when is their turn to pull their weight, they pull out. Disgraceful. Run from this insurer.."
19 Sep 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "A total disgrace. No communication. Don't speak English. Take your money before even providing a policy. Impose unwarranted exclusions after the policy is issued. Only advice - avoid this company like the PLAGUE!."
06 Sep 2016 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Always excellent advise and quick response to questions. YES, would recommend to others."
27 Jul 2016 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 5 years.
    "Income protection insurance. 5 and a half months after the waiting one month period and still waiting. Expert in wasting time. Everything they asked for provided with initial claim. If the income protection is not going to pay you when is mostly needed, there is no point of having it. for the last three weeks and they are saying that they are drafting a letter. not sure what should I do. The policy is in my wife's name."
30 May 2016 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Im looking for another company to transfer my life insurance as im not very satisfied with One path. Theyre Not very good with communications and updating my policy I have to call them numerous times and have to be really assertive with what I want, but this was ot the case before I signed up with them. The communications and calls from my financial adviser was constant trying to sell the policy, as soon a when I signed up the communication gets slacked, made me wonder if I make a claim will they be like this?."
24 Sep 2015 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "When seeking additional clarification last year regarding life policy held by my wife and I,we found it difficult to get answers over the telephone to our questions. When written information was requested from One Path we were sent (presumably) out of date information since the documentation that we received to us carried ING Insurance logo!! I believe that One Path (ANZ) took over the ownership and operation from ING some time prior to our request . We found this a little disconcerting and wonder if information sent to us was in fact accurate and current.."
08 Sep 2015 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "Once I've completed the many forms and provided the supporting documents necessary for the claim, it was a breeze. The claim progressed very fast without me having to chase anybody at all. The support was always helpful and if I had questions during completing the forms, they always helped and explained the reason for the need. Overall I am very impressed, I had no issues with the claim application and receiving the claim at all. I did put a lots of effort in ensuring that I have completed all necessary fields on all forms correctly and supply adequate documents for my claim. I guess preparation is the key to sucess, however the professionalism of OnePath made a big difference with my experience.."
10 Jun 2015 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Overall experience to date excellent. The future remains an unknown but based on experience so far I would recommend this insurer to others.."
06 Apr 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "For your website, by default it only provides the stepped cover quote. If you can also show the 'level' quote, it'll be much better. It can save lots of both customer and your staffs' time.."
20 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I could not be happier with the level of service I received. Thoroughly found the whole process with Insurance Watch professional and streamlined. I was informed of all my options and guided along the way, which made my selection of the level of insurance cover easy to decide on. I am new to One Path and without a doubt, I have already mentioned my experience thus far with my circle of friends.."
20 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "The premiums look fair and well within the range that I expected to pay. Very affordable and i'm satisfied with the overall process of my application. I will be recommending On Path to any one of my friends who do not already have insurance cover.."
25 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 5 years.
    "I like that it was easy to apply but recently realised that it is no longer good value for money.."
13 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Setting up the policy was easy and the information they send with the renewal notice is very informative. Value for money is still excellent.."
03 Jan 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Not sure value for money. Insurance watch gives the ability to search for the best policy."
18 Dec 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I haven't had much dealings with them but the monthly premiums have increased quite a bit over the last couple of years and for the amount I pay others are telling me this is too much so I am looking for a more affordable option.."
06 Dec 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "My wife and I have been working with Insurance Watch to establish life insurance & TPD through our SMSF. Unfortunately OnePath, and other insurers have been difficult at best. I was denied TPD cover on my knee due to a recently surgery, without a consultation with my surgeon, doctor or physio. This was disappointing. My wife has been denied TPD due to a disability she was born with, on grounds that are hard to believe. A loading for increased risk wasn't even discussed. This process has been insulting and OnePath (+ other insurers) have been terrible, if life insurance wasn't required we would have opted out completely. If we are striving for a world of equality, then insurers have to look in the mirror at their practices.."
02 Dec 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 3 years.
    "It was quick to join but when I made a claim I felt like I had to prove that I had no previous history of the problem that I made the claim for."
20 Nov 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 3 years.
    "The policy is clearly stated in PDS but the benefits are average and some components weighed against me. I hope never to claim against it but represent a safeguard from the day to day financial situation. There is no contact from the insurer other than direct debit from account. Some tactile contact to suggest policy is still active and ready.."
12 Nov 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "It was very good and person communicated well on One path behalf.."
22 Oct 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Very helpful and pleasant staff. Some adjustments needed to be made to the policy details (not the actual product) but the staff explained what was required to make the adjustments. (Type errors)."
10 Sep 2014 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have had a broker for years but feel in this climate of insurance variances and so many options with competitive base, I wish to reasses my insurances with an independent source to oversee What is actually best for me., not perhaps the view of a broker who would have some business interest in said company as their referral. Joanne Bailey."
15 Apr 2014 Overall rating
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    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "They are pretty good, I was moved to them from a take over of my previous insurer. I haven't claimed as is only life cover. Would have preferred to have trauma cover included (which I thought it was when I took out the policy)."
25 Mar 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I have had the policy for a very long time and have not made any claims, but it seems to be very expensive, so I am shopping around for better value."
23 Feb 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Not getting feedback as soon as requested. I will call for feedback but don't get response as soon as requested.."
12 Feb 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "My experience with Insurance Watch whom I purchased a OnePath policy from has been really good. The person I dealt with was very patient and helpful. (Same comments as my husband)."
12 Feb 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "My experience with Insurance Watch whom I purchased a OnePath policy from has been really good. The person I dealt with was very patient and helpful.."
08 Jan 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The information about their policies is clear and they appear to have a fair approach to items covered.."
06 Jan 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "What you actually get within police, average & recommend to others, yes.."
30 Dec 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I am very happy with the comprehensive level of cover - I feel confident that if something goes wrong I will be covered.."
10 Dec 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "20% discount is excellent, appplication procees can be long winded, can take up to 2 weeks with backwards and forwards questions., especially with any pre-exisitng conditions."
28 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 6 years.
    "I liked the customer service and the one on one contact with them."
28 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I have been given a loading because my parents have diabetes. I would have liked the option to submit my own personal medical results and lifestyle review which would show I have a different lifestyle to my parents, I exercise, I dont drink and would not be a high risk. The loading made it unaffordable for me to take out trauma insurance which I'm not happy about. My income protection with OnePath now has a 2 year waiting period and I have to rely on my industry super fund for income protection which is a product I still have to wait 3 months for and I've been told by my financial advisor is not near as good as the OnePath product. On the plus side, I was grateful for the flexibility with the product so that I could nominate a two year waiting period, otherwise it too would have been unaffordable.."
27 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Changing my insurance to OnePath is saving me a pile of money and I get heaps more benefits if anything should go wrong! So much better than my previous insurer.."
26 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Both my employer and my bank use OnePath. When I checked their competitiveness, they seemed to rate highly.."
25 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 6 years.
    "My experience is limited as i have had not made a claim. I just find Australian insurance policies expensive, limited and poor performers in general (I come from the UK).."
24 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "We needed insurance cover for additional security re our children and the policy we engaged with met our needs without putting undue stress on our financial situation.."
23 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 6 years.
    "Good premium and available extras The Trauma policy had options that suited my family history. would recommend to others, cannot think of any downside.."
23 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "OnePath was very easy to deal with. I had to contact to change my policies from stepped to level and it was such an easy and straightforward process. I would recommend OnePath because they provide value for money and their benefits appears to be more than what other insurers can provide for the price. Highly recommended.."
21 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The ease of application, easy to understand policy, it was very clear what was covered. excellent service and setup experience."
20 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Very easy application process although probably slightly more expensive that others which require underwriting.."
19 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I purchased the OnePath product because it appears to be the best in the market. The onboarding process was awful - however I am aware that this may be common across all insurers in terms of income protection. The person assessing my application was clearly not someone who applied common sense or at least the process did not allow this. As such, the letters my doctor and I both wrote and the multiple escalations was a significant waste of time. Furthermore, it remains a fine line in terms of privacy and disturbingly intrusive that you seek all medical records - particularly when the process is so inadequate. How many people read them, what has happened to them and how long will you retain them? Very uncomfortable. I completed a comprehensive form, why do you need more information? And if so, why wasn't that request targetted to your concerns as opposed to requesting everything? Questions I have asked and I disagree completely with the wishy washy response I received. But one gets to a point where one must move on and deal with other things...In summary, I was not respected in the application process.."
18 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "They were good. I have had no problems dealing with them. The insurance was organised thru my superannuation.."
31 Oct 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 8 years.
    "Price was OK, broker was useless. Customer service calling slow to answer.."
17 Oct 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "The premium is too expensive in compare to other life insurance company.."
05 Sep 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "All dealings have been through Insurancewatch so far and the customer service that was offered has been fantastic. Will def recommend this to others. Many Thanks."
26 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 2 years.
    "It was very easy to complete the application and the staff were very heldful in assisting me to choose the package that's right for me.."
26 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Liked rates. Hated lack of any communication at all.."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I think they have very good features like level cover so it can restrict the premium to go up with the age.."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Happy to recommend."
19 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Little in the way of communication which could be improved.."
18 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "I have had no problem with my life insurance policy.."
17 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Dealt with a broker issues may have been at the broker end."
16 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The application process took a lt longer that I would expect.."
16 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Reasonably smooth, some errors with broker needed to be ollowed up.."
15 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Onepath provided value for money insurance cover and good customer experience. Will recommend to others.."
15 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Customer service most helpful. I would recommend to others.."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Overall, the application process is fast and easy.."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Overall experience was good."
13 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "I would like more coverage for the same money."
13 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "Poor communication Average pricing."
03 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "The details of the insurance policy were clearly described and presented. This made it easier to confirm what I needed. The application process was fairly straight-forward and proceeded quickly once my application was submitted. My main reason for choosing OnePath was the comparitively low premiums and the confidence I had in the insurer based on its size, reviews and history.."
31 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Good rating with Canstar.."
30 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 4 years.
    "Really happy with them.."
27 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Price and features beats all comers and new benefits are extended to existing policy holders. Application process is poor, including onepath passing health queries to my financial advisor and doubling handling through financial advisor. This is one off though and I'd probably still recommend.."
21 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Excellent coverage at a competitive price.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I hate forms and Ihate the large amounts of money necassary to have insurance, BUT I was happy with the level of support and assistance I received."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "I get premium taken out of my account monthly and have not needed to contact them about anything as of yet.."
19 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "The overall experience with Onepath through Insurance watch was great. From initial quote to poicy confirmation was only 10 working days. The product offering was greater than other I had assessed.. I would recommend to others.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Experience was very good the application process was simple and response was timely. The help of Insurance watch customer service was excellent.."
16 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Caller was polite and easy to understand, also responded quickly. policy was easy to understand and reasonably priced.."
16 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "The adviser came to my home, asked what i currently had and what i would like to have and then went and did a comprehensive comparison of what was best for me.."
16 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I hardly delt with the insurer as everything was organised through Lifebroker. Their service and knowledge were REALLY IMPRESSIVE."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Very easy to deal with, no problems whatsoever, would definately recommend (and Have done) to others.."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I would recommend OnePath to anyone. Their pricing is excellent and the application process is very simple with no medical checks unless the benefit amounts are very high."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "I was recommended Onepath by my broker and I wanted to go with an insurer that is known to actually pay out when needed, and not to have to fight for what I am rightfully insured for. I have not had to claim, and hopefully I will never have to claim with them!."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I have paid my premiums since I took out the policy and have never made a claim. I dont recieve any correspondence from them either. I cant say that I would recommend them to anyone as my experience is limited.."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 7 years.
    "I find them over priced compared to other insurers.."
15 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 3 years.
    "It was easy to apply. I did my research before hand. They asked me questions, I asked them questions. My answers were met. Insured policy made. all happy.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "I have found it difficult to lock in my income amount with onepath using my tax return.."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 4 years.
    "PDS is easy to read. Had emailed asking clarification of a couple of areas prior to going ahead with the insurance. Good, timely response. A lot cheaper than other companies that I looked at. Seems to suit my needs, and can be adjusted if I needed things to change.."
11 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "It was easy to apply for the cover. I am dissatisfied that due to family medical history they have excluded specific condition without adequate consultation to discuss my options.."
09 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Easy to set up insurance policy, great customer service , very friendly, excellent policy and value for money.."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Seems to be competitive.."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "No issues at all -smooth easy trnsaction, hold super with them too."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I haven't had any dramas with the insurer yet but I have not needed to make a claim so can't really comment on their performance. They were quite helpful initially with the application but I haven't really heard any feedback from regarding anything for quite sometime.."
06 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Communication is good, without going over the top. I am also comfortable with the scope of the cover offered by this policy.."
06 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Ease of application and value for money would be hard to beat. Would definately recommend.."
05 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Poor communication channels, poor reponse in time and manner.."
04 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Very simple application process, without many of the unreasonably intrusive questions asked by other insurers. Excellent features in the policy make it good value for money.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I selected OnePath from range of options in Insurance Watch's online quote. I also checked separately direct from insurance companies and OnePath staff also rang me back to help. But they did not follow up properly so, in the end I went with Donna at Insurance Watch, she was more helpful. Answered my queries. IW also offered a 20% discount, which was great. I asked OP staff and they said they cannot offer discount! So why would anyone buy from them direct? Different companies offer many products, sometimes not easy to choose or misunderstand the features & benefits. Could make decision based on this misunderstanding. For OnePath, they should improve their customer approach to followup with a query or quote request. It means people are ready to buy.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Despite there are many IT integration issues due to the merges of many companies, their IT helpdesk service is very professional and responsive.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Friendly and prompt communication. Clear policy documents. Good level of cover.."
02 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I haven't claimed yet, so not sure what they are like when it comes to the crunch. But all seems to be going well with them.."
02 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Would not recommend - confusing, exclusion and letter of comfort process not well explained, legally complex."
02 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "IT support was poor - took three attempts over 12 months to be able to view my policy online - kept being told that it had been passed to IT and it was high priority, only to log back on a week after each call and it wasn't fixed.."
02 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had OnePath Income Protection for 4 years.
    "All good."