Reviews and star ratings come from customers who have had a MLC Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection insurance policy.

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Overall rating:
Average+ from 173 reviews
Value for money
Features and benefits
Ease of Application
Timeliness of processing
Customer service and communication
Claims rating:
Poor+ from 21 reviews
No reviews
Ease of lodging
Processing time
Helpfulness with enquiries

Read reviews

30 May 2024 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I find this insurance quite expensive. Yes I get a tax deduction but now that I'm over 50 the prices have gone up astronomically.."
15 Dec 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Mlc lost paperwork then would not work with us to resolve issues. Prior to my mother getting dementia my family had power of attorney given to myself and other siblings. Then the paperwork was lost by mlc and because they did not have the authorisation they would not speak to us and . There has been 3 years of frustration. I would not recommend mlc to anyone.."
21 Oct 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Only early days but seems to be a straightforward process. Far cheaper than previous insurer.."
18 Oct 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I took out level life insurance. This requires me to pay more when I am young but as I get older the premium fees should not increase. My payout is not linked to inflation. My premiums have increased on a regular basis. When I asked MLC why they increased my premium I am told inflation and the risk in the insurance industry has increased. I should not be having an increase in premiums that is why I was paying a higher premium in my younger years. MLC should have made it clear that a Level Insurance does still have premium increases. They mislead me. AVOID."
08 Sep 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "At a stressful time of my life, MLC made the process of claiming my Critical Illness payment extremely easy and quick."
06 Sep 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "They are ok when the process is automated and totally hopeless if they have a consultant involved.."
06 Sep 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Have not had any problems with them, always good service."
13 Jul 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Simple and straightforward, helpful customer service team, so no issues (yet)."
26 Jun 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Very poor customer service. Years ago tried to increase the insurance and they wouldn't send the forms and had to complain. Tried to get paperwork to to my superannuation and they were difficult to deal with. Insurance cost went up by $1k each year for the last 3 years and my health has remained good. Cancelled insurance and took a long time to get a refund for the insurance paid. Made me glad to be away from them.."
05 May 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "I am happy with MLC's service. The application process should be bit quicker."
19 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "They are easy to talk too, I like that their call center is located in australia. Any issues I have had have been sorted very quickly. And their claims process is easy to understand.."
18 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I am still alive so haven't needed to use it.."
10 Feb 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Trauma / Critical illness cover for 9 years.
    "They have a pretty advertising campaign, I like the golden egg."
29 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I receive this free of charge as part of my employment plan. So for me, value for money is excellent. Never had a claim so can't really comment on that.."
24 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Trauma / Critical illness cover for 2 years.
    "Pretty good and no fees! I like the no fuss and no dislikes this far."
20 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "The link to apply for MLC insurance is not very good , it does not work at the time I applied. But Insurance Watch helped me resolved it and I could apply with a new application link.."
11 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "Satisfied overall with service and benefits offered would like more information on stepped insurance and how it works."
02 Jan 2023 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "They are very easy to deal with and offer a competitive service.."
30 Dec 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Good contact and undating of details. Regular newsletter and information."
12 Dec 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "In the past I have found it a struggle with poor communication and problems accessing relevant information."
20 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Im not sure. Trustworthy, honest and reliable. good value for money, and not difficult to deal with."
17 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Tried to change our premium payments from annual to monthly. Despite many phone calls and assurances that everything had been done - it hadn't. This resulted in one of us having our insurance policies cancelled due to non-payment! We finished up having to pay the full yearly amount just to get the policies reinstated. We will seek a refund once we have decided on what changes we need to make.."
11 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Average - poor communication. Took weeks to get an answer with regards to changing the details of my policy. Have also billed me incorrectly. Policy information hard to understand - appears contradictory. Would not recommend.."
09 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Difficult to contact and correspond with, lack of personal contact, confusing communication High fees."
01 Sep 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I didn't really know I had this as it's part of my super but they did contact me and offer for me to change and on reviewing the policy and considering my personal circumstances I think it is a very reasonable policy.."
31 Aug 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I haven't had any issues at all. Very happy, have been with them for 30 years."
23 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Good. The process seemed relatively easy. Liked BMI advantage option.."
15 Jun 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "The Life Insurance is a life super policy. Pricing has increased every year but I will only benefit on death or disablement in my understanding and cannot use the Super portion upon retirement ...."
20 Apr 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "The policy premium was considerably better than my current insurer who I dumped for putting up the premium by over 20%!."
06 Mar 2022 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 7 years.
    "Definitely the worst insurer. I have a very valid TPD claim verified by multiple drs and medico legal drs. Mlc continue to refuse to make a decision on my claim. It's been nearly 2 years and they still have not made a decision yet they continue to want payment for insurance. Each time my lawyer asks they say 'a week or two' yet it's been nearly 2 YEARS. I paid a lot for this insurance and it is disgusting how they are treating me in my desperate time of need. AVOID!!!!."
29 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I haven't had the use for a claim but we are limited due to our employment who we use.."
02 Dec 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "We have had income insurance for my husband. Never claimed until he got sick. They did not pay for illness . Only some, agreed he was sick, but said he didn't see dr enough, so minimal amount paid. But when your sick you can't go to dr regularly.."
10 Oct 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The level of communication is positive, but we have multiple policies and they can't be rolled into one, so we receive a high volume of communication for each policy which isn't ideal."
03 Sep 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I have just purchase an income protection policy. The customer service was fine, the policy seems compressive and serves our requirements.."
05 Aug 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I was with MLC as part of my super. MLC has tried to jack up my insurance premium from $3,500 to in excess of $5,000. Just a small hike. I asked for a new quote but they were unable to provide me one until the premium increase went through. I had been with MLC for over 10 years. All this time it was business as usual, just take my premium each month. I just cancelled my insurance with MLC, business lost.."
16 Jul 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 2 years.
    "No fuss, everything is online. good responds. best value for benefit and cover."
30 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "DISLIKE Communication MLC issues with my Policy This story has a long history - and it is still unresolved. I wanted to adjust my Insurance cover, straight , simple I thought. NOT at MLC !!!!! 21/10/2020 After numerous emails that got lost, sent to wrong depts., naturally NOT MLC responsibility even though they said, send to..... My documentation arrived and they accepted my adjustment. One would thought happy days, how could i be SO WRONG 24/11/2020 After contacting MLC again, to follow up, they stated ALL OK, they will back date it to my original request date, i will get a credit against my policy 8/2/2021 Contacted MLC- Robert once again - no feedback documentation … he confirms i will get a credit 'DO NOT WORRY' 8/3/2021 Contacted MLC-Roshni this time said it is now fixed - all good trust me….confirm backdate comments - still NO paperwork to confirm ANY of the conversations. 18/3/2021 MLC Document Finally arrived - Happy days 'Policy has changed - it shown me all the correct info' 19/3/2021 THIS IS WHERE THE #@$% starts to get to me MLC Document arrived - 'Your policy has ended - unless you re-instate within 30 days it will be cancelled' WHAT THE………………. 26/3/2021 Contacted MLC-Bianca this time, was told 'Ignore the Policy has ended letter - it is a faulty letter generated by the system' WHAT THE….. 24/6/2021 THE #$%^& has hit the fan Received a letter “ YOUR POLICY HAS ENDED” i said #@$%^ 24/6/2021 Contacted MLC-Mohammed this time - after he tried to make sense of the above and I listened to MLC music to calm my nerves, he said 'It is a system issue, will sort itself out - wait till after next deduction cycle' which will be 2 weeks #$%^&* I requested this all to be escalated to his team leader as i want to speak to someone NOW - answer 'No team leader' he has escalated and a manager will call me back in 24-48 hours …...WHILE I PROBABLY HAVE NO COVER MLC is hiding behind incompetent people with little or NO assistance from Team leaders/managers for urgent issues as mine is. I now have to TRUST a MLC contact centre agent that my policy is in place, if i die god forbid in the next 12 hours my dear family might not get anything i have contributed since 2002…. YES 2002 for the last 19 YEARS…. They or the predecessors took my money every month, and that of my wife….. What is in it to give me some confidence that things is OK other than a - 'Trust me sir' At the time of writing this 30/6/2021 - no contact from MLC at all.. 20 hours has gone by."
26 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 5 years.
    "It's becoming more expensive for less cover I'm considering moving soon."
09 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "This policy has been going so long it is probably outdated and when the time comes will not provide much.."
04 Jun 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Claim denied because they do not cover loss of income due to mental health which is wrong!!!."
21 May 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Do not answer phone calls, or respond to emails. Take months (3 ) to respond to e mail and still waiting for them to process request even though they said they would. Terrible customer service. Would not recommend them to anyone.."
02 Feb 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Very disappointing experience, obstructive claim process. They could do a lot better.."
31 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Policy increases by 15% plus every year due to age increase Would never recommend them to anyone."
29 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I have never had a problem with them. It is affordable and direct debit allows for automatic no fuss payments."
06 Jan 2021 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I took out my Life Insurance policy with MLC some years ago. I found their policy offered very good value for money. They had good, simple, personalised service as well, which made it easy to make alterations to the policy. I now get an annual update via email, which keeps me in the loop. They are easy to talk with over the phone. I have noticed that the monthly premiums increase each year as I age, however comparisons show that they are still good value for money and a preferred option for me. I would recommend them to others.."
22 Nov 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 6 years.
    "Administered through an additional payment via super fund, I would recommend MLC and this product in terms of value for money.."
28 Oct 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "It took me over 2 years to get my income protection sorted as due to an admin error from them I did not have insurance even though all my communication from them previous to my claim stated I had insurance and I was being charges a monthly fee for the insurance.."
22 Oct 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I like that they actually cover Police Officers for these types of insurance. Many dont offer insurance to Police due to the increased risks associated with the job. Thanks MLC for protecting those who protect the community, I would definitely recommend your company.."
20 Oct 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have sought to vary my income protection policy with MLC which is to result in a refund. Its been 10 weeks and whilst the variation to the policy has been made l still have not received my refund even though repeatedly asking for it. I am very concerned if ever in the future l have to make a claim on the policy whether the organisation will ever meet its commitments."
29 Jun 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Claim approval about 6 weeks ago, now in week 15 since accident, up to the 3rd or 4th case manager, and yet to receive a single payment.."
28 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Continually increased the payments without notifying with no claims, and after I requested to close my account I continually received calls and emails for 3 months haggling to try and get me to sign up again. They used different numbers and were quite deceiving.."
12 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "They have been professional and overall reasonable to work with.."
10 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 4 years.
    "It's a comfort being looked after by an Insurance company that for the majority, are conspicuous by their absence.."
07 May 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Requiring doctors report every month was a bit over the top."
04 Apr 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Mixed experiences. Application process was long and complicated, was through a NAB rep.."
11 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "MLC insurance was the best value life insurance for us when we were looking. the appication process was simple and easy.."
09 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Seem to be great with customer support would recommend them to friends and family."
07 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Change managers too often and not enough communication and review."
07 Mar 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Never claimed, but feel safe to be covered . Hope it will never be needed to male a claim."
29 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Premiums keep rising steeply as you get over 50. Better than average coverage apparently, however, I had a rare auto immune condition a couple/few years ago and found I wouldn't have been covered because I would've slipped between their definitions.."
26 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "I'd prefer to do business face to face rather than online. Our insurance broker sold their business and we didn't want to go with the new owner. This meant now we self managed. We've been back and forth with phone calls and emails to change policy information. Things that can be done face to face in a few minutes now seem to take forever. Hopefully if we ever need to make a claim the process isn't as hard.."
25 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I like that they don't constantly contact you other than to send out statements each year and the statements are easy to read and understand. I would recommend them to others.."
23 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Came with my super fund. They are not the cheapest but the policy seems to rate well compared to others.."
16 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Very easy to deal with and easy application process. I liked the transparency of the products.."
15 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Changed my insurer at the end of 2019 through a financial adviser. She did most of the paperwork and apart from a lengthy wait to go through ( xmas may have contributed) the process was fairly easy. The policy was cheaper than my previous one therefore I liked this company and would recommend people seek a quote for comparison.."
09 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The product seems really good, but I havent had to deal with them since my application.."
07 Feb 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Cannot recommend tis insurer. I have been on claim for some years and whilst the Hayne Royal commission seemed to weed out some of the poor claims handling delays still persist. Although I will admit that the Royal commission investigation into the financial services industry has resulted in some improvement in claims handling procedures and better adherence to timelines.."
13 Jan 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I've found MLC excellent so far. It was easy signing up via I select and the rate and benefits are much better than my previous insurer.."
06 Jan 2020 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I like it, I bought it htough my faninal adviser. She is looking after my police.."
17 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Good company haven't had to claim. However premiums kerp going up and its getting expensive.."
12 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "The whole process from getting the policy to having to make a claim was easy.."
12 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "They were very helpful and answered all my questions in a timely manner.."
11 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Have had this policy for 34 years. MLC have been very good. We dont get a lot of correspondence from them but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Overall would be happy to re-insure with them.."
10 Dec 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 9 years.
    "All they have done is insured me through my superannuation and I have never had to claim so there's not much I can say."
10 Dec 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Insurance included in super and is good value and good coverage."
15 Oct 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "It came with my super. the fees are high. im looking forward to divesting from nab/mlc after i sell my apartment and can use other providers.."
24 Sep 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Not bad to deal with, correspondence by email made it easy."
29 Aug 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I disliked that I had to provide huge amounts of information when I claimed on the insurance policy.I found onerous at the time as I was very unwell at the time. However the claims consultant I have been allocated is friendly and caring.."
30 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 2 years.
    "Very helpful & understanding! They really helped me in a crisis."
30 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Their premiums have skyrocketed to price us out of the market for the insurance we wanted. Never even seen the last 3 brokers we were meant to deal with so we go direct to the company. While the staff are good to deal with I feel the product is way too expensive.."
28 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "No hassle, I know its there in the background if I ever need it, and I trust them .."
27 Jul 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 7 years.
    "Extremely expensive and rates keep going up with no additional benefits.."
27 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "Happy enough with my insurer they have always been helpful on the few occasions I've needed to contact them and would be happy to recommend them.."
10 Apr 2019 Overall rating
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  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 4 years.
    "I have just taken out policies. I havent really had to deal with them so I do not know what their service is like.."
01 Jan 2019 Overall rating
  Claims rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "I've not had to make a claim with this insurer as yet but they were recommended to me by my mortgage broker and the sign up process was simple and straightforward. I imagine if I ever need to make a claim, this process would also be straightforward. At this stage I don't have any dislikes in regards to my insurer and I would recommend MLC to all.."
22 Dec 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 4 years.
    "Havnt had to deal with them over a claim or anything really.."
30 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I am happy with my insurere. I don't want to change. Thank you."
18 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "They were very helpful and understanding of what we needed. Would not hesitate to recommend to friends and family."
07 Nov 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "DIfficult to access terms and conditions of original policy. Language not clear around definitions.."
19 Oct 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Ease of application. Great communication. Easy to understand information and brochures. Great."
13 Oct 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 7 years.
    "NEVER use MLC (NAB, Nippon Insurance)...They are the most useless, corrupt, complicit, lying, incompetent, pathetic, thieving, dishonest 'company' that I have ever dealt with. After they took almost $40'000 in life insurance premiums from my super, I made a claim for IP and TPD. Had the IP rejected, although I have been diagnosed with 3 medical conditions. The claim has spanned over a year, and I swear, I dont know how the business operates? (oh thats right...Its part owned by a big Australian bank). Dealing with the employees with MLC, I can only say, I have never dealt with more incompetent people in my life. Losing documents, never returning phone calls, not understanding medical documents...on and on.....and during the claim, they closed my insurance as they had drained my super fund. I am waiting to see what reason they are going to use to reject my TPD, (yes, that is how confident I am with these thieves that they will honour the product I bought from them). Notwithstanding the anger I have, I must point my finger directly at government (regardless of political affiliation) and blame them for allowing these criminal corporate companies to continue. I can guarentee you, that if any private citizen with a business, who stole money like MLC does from the community, they would be in jail....."
23 Sep 2018 Overall rating
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    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I have only been contacted once to see if I was happy with the policy.."
17 Sep 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Seems to be on par with others, but I have been lucky enough to not need to claim. This is usually where you can tell how good an insurance company is."
13 Sep 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "I found the application form and process straightforward, and would recommend this aspect to others. Having benchmarked them against others, I found them to provide the best value in the current market.."
07 Sep 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Feel confident if I need to claim they'll be there.."
24 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Personalized service. The accredited financial planner spent a lot of time understanding my needs and objectives and suggested the right cover with competitive pricing.."
21 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "I liked the Best Doctors perk with the policy, I used this service and they were terrific. I wouldn't recommend this insurer due to prices, customer service etc. I only stay because of an illness I have been diagnosed with since getting the policy means other insurers won't cover me.."
20 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I've had the insurance for many years and it's only for this reason that I remain with them.."
17 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I have had a life insurance policy for over 10 years, but have recently discovered it doesn't offer value for money."
08 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I can't believe how expensive this is now I'm in my late 40s. They don't communicate with me. I have never had a review.."
07 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I find it frustrating to deal with MLC insurance. Their customer service is poor."
07 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "I have had no issues with MLC and when I recently called to clarify a few things with my policies they were excellent over the phone. I would recommend them to others.."
02 Aug 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "My work used this company and the reps were easy to talk to and explained things very well."
28 Jul 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I am not very happy with this insurer and probably wouldn't recommend them to others. Their customer service is not very good. They gave my financial planner the wrong information twice and this impacted on us.."
27 Jun 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 8 years.
    "MLC were/ are very helpful in the claim process. They are sensitive to the nature of the claim and straight forward making things easy to understand."
20 May 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 2 years.
    "Expensive, long application procedure,average experience, can recommend to friends because it's owned by NAB."
02 Apr 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "MLC are just fine, middle of the road insurers through my Super plan.."
23 Feb 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 7 years.
    "I don't like how they automatically assume I want more coverage each year. My mortgage goes down not up so it's only to drive their profits.."
26 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I disliked the 3 month wait in which I had to wait for a payout.."
11 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I have had no issues with my provider. The application process was streamlined and time appropriate.."
02 Jan 2018 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Ok they were helpful and answered all of my questions about insurance."
24 Dec 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "I am always able to contact the insurer and find them easy to deal with.."
14 Dec 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I went through a broker who were great to deal with. I did have some communication with the insurer and they were ok to deal with. My Doctor said they were annoying when asking for background, asking the same thing over and over.."
24 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I've never had to make a claim, but it seems like a decent policy."
24 Nov 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Good value for money, but have never made a claim."
20 Sep 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Great value for money changed life insurance company from st george life to MLC which i have had used previously."
04 Sep 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "I liked the application process and MLC offered good value for money and have decided to change my wife's life insurance cover to MLC also."
12 May 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "Been insured with MLC for income protection, critical care illness, TPD etc and life since 2007. Fortunately haven't had to make a claim yet but am seriously worried if I ever have to. I've just tried to get online access so I can save time if I have to do things like update payment details etc. Apparently my insurance policies are 'too old' for me to get online access. Curious really, as their website is full of language suggesting that if I want to save time, I should get online access. I've tried! Think it's time to revisit these - I've either got a policy that's so good they want me to drop it or they're just incompetent. In 2017, I would have thought all policies should be able to be accessed online. Definitely would NOT recommend MLC to ANYONE!."
30 Apr 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have a serous neck injury. I have had my MLC policy for over 14 years. I have been receiving the insurance payment for 5 months. I have been lied to by the claim consultants several times the most recent last Wednesday when she said it was being paid that day. I had to chase the payment as it was again overdue. They always say sorry, sorry only goes so far when you have bills including medical to pay for. I asked are you sure as I have two medical appointments one Thursday and one Friday which will mean my funds will be extremely low if this doesn't come through. Do I need to cancel the appointments ? I was told no its being paid now today. I was also told she would call me if any problems. no call....... At usual nothing arrived and by Friday I had to chase the payment AGAIN. I called my consultant as as usual she wasn't available as she was out of the office. I insisted on staying on the phone until the supervisor would talk to me. In the meantime they found my consultant who said she was out of the office but took my call anyway. She said that my file was still on her supervisors desk. I asked why did she say it was all ok ? no answer and said her supervisor would call me in 24 business hours ???? this is Friday afternoon. I hung the phone up and called MLC and wouldn't let them hang up until I had an answer. No more pretending to call me back....... I asked about the paperwork... Is all ok ? yes she told me.. the problem is that my consultant put in for two months of claims as it was late as a sign of good faith and they were not happy with that..... I said but ive put in for a month. Why can you not pay it and why have I been lied to ? they replied my consultant can explain and they will pay the month claim that day being Friday. Surprise surprise....... nothing has come through AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think they actually understand that the people they are dealing with are not well and have reduced income and medical expenses. plus they lie to you. I'm taking this to FOS as Ive had enough..."
04 Feb 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 7 years.
    "Has been fine had no claims just keep paying more each year."
01 Jan 2017 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "The benefits increase in line with inflation however the premiums are increasing through the roof which is why I'm now searching for a better deal. The latest increase in my premiums was 15%.."
27 Nov 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I have not made a claim so can not comment about claims process. I think there prices are ok , the customer service staff I have spoken to over the phone were ok but could improve their communication style. MLC are a big player so they need to uphold a reputation I have just signed up with them through a broker, the broker was fantastic.."
25 Nov 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "This insurer is the most dishonest and incompetent insurer out there tried for 8 years to get this mob to cancel my policy and stop payments at a cost in access of $10,000 finally put an end to this rip off and no refund every excuse in the book to why not including an investigation in which the customer is not consulted on. Records go conveniently missing even have the financial ombudsmen in their pockets do not touch this insurer."
28 Oct 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "I had recently set up a SMSF and needed to purchase life and TPD. I searched on google for a policy comparison site and that how I found Insurance Watch. The offers where all good and chose the one that best suits my needs which happened to be with MLC. The whole process was very prompt and easy. I am a 100% satisfied customer.."
26 Oct 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Good communication, easy application process Would definitely recommend to others."
04 Oct 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Very prompt and helpful assisstance from Donna. Extremely happy with the service and value.."
12 Aug 2016 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Very happy with MLC. We purchased a life policy which was good value for money and had everything we needed covered.."
08 Oct 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Very efficient. Smooth application process, no hassles. Would definitely use again.."
21 Sep 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Main thing I didn't like was major hike in premium so had to cancel trauma component and decrease amount of life. Don't seem to have any loyalty to long time customers. Given new premium by phone, I paid it then received another invoice for more money."
07 Aug 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Good customer service and timely reporting of updates to cover. Value for money and good reputation.."
28 May 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Never have contact with them other than price increase letters.."
26 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Very expensive look at anyway possible to not pay a claim and take forever to let you know if a claim can be made or not."
25 Mar 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "They incorrectly confirmed I have to right policy for my SMSF, I have had to now cancel and take out new policy."
12 Feb 2015 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "They are typical of bigger businesses...once you are a customer they just take you for granted. Their service is poor...they sent me someone else's details instead of mine. They don't routinely send updates (except about how much more they will charge), nor advice about getting the best from your policy. And they couldn't find my linked Income Protection once they farmed that policy of to another part of the company. Time to move!!!."
15 Dec 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 6 years.
    "No Contact at all with them. The money just goes out every month. Would really like to review our policy.."
15 Oct 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Long process for direct insurance. Good price though. Would always recommend everyone shop around for the best deal.."
29 May 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Know that the fund I have are not as good as others."
29 May 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 8 years.
    "Good benifits. Expensive. Never hear anything from them except for the annual premium bill.."
24 Mar 2014 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Approached the insurer re reducing premiums. They referred me to a financial advisor. I feel if I call an insurance company they should be able to help me over the phone. I would not recommend them.."
16 Dec 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 4 years.
    "First month claim was good and payout strait away, but since then there has been no communication and contact via phone very unsatisfactory also now 2 months behind in payouts with no communication on why!."
06 Nov 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "I was with MLC for over 15 years and all they did was put up my premiums every year .."
21 Oct 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "Not too bad, since it's our first experience. just wondering what else are out there."
04 Oct 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 10 years or more.
    "I have found MLC to be easy to communicate with and would have no hesitation using them for my future insurance needs.."
10 Sep 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "No comment."
20 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 4 years.
    "Not very customer focused.."
18 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Not too bad."
15 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Trauma / Critical illness cover for 5 years.
    "It was done through a financial planner so don't really know what else is out there. The premium keeps going up and up and that's the only time I hear from them- once a year a premium increase letter. Nothing has changed on my end! I would recommend anyone looking for a policy shop around and do their homework before they decide.."
14 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Policy seems comprehensive, easy to read, and when you call - they answer the phone promptly!."
13 Jun 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 3 years.
    "Application process for life insurance can be arduous and time consuming. Some questions were quite hard to answer and understanding the correct, truthful answer was sometimes hard to figure out. Maybe they could supply some sort of guideline/data dictionary/FAQ's to assist with the application process. But on the whole, quite easy to deal with. Logging into the website is hard work too. Can never remember my login name/policy number. Maybe if you could change the login to something more user friendly that would be great.."
31 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 6 years.
    "For long ongoing claims, their processes are terrible only add stress to an already bad situation."
26 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 8 years.
    "Haven't had a need to correspond with them. Haven't made a claim in 7-8years I've held a policy. I only get my annual notice of premium increase.."
23 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 5 years.
    "An insurer is only as good as the claim experience. Without making a claim they remain untested.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Over all I would say I'm happy with the insurance and MLC. However there are some things that could change. One is with the policy wordings. I thought I lost my policy wording when I moved and rang them up and asked them if they could email me a copy. They told me that they don't have soft copies and it would cost money ($60 odd) to get a replacement. Whilst that's not a deal breaker I would have thought it would be pretty easy to keep soft copies of wordings to give to clients who have lost theirs. Also when I originally signed up to the insurance it was through my financial planner. I no longer have a financial planner and when I called up to make an amendment to my benifit level they told me it could only be done but an intermediary. So basically I dont' feel I have control over my own insurance and are forced to use an intermediary. These aren't big deals, but I feel they are not necessary issues that the insruer could fix.."
20 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Easy to insure, as I went through a broker who recommended it but found out later that my company/employer provides the Income Protection insurance as well but will a longer waiting period.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Ease of application was terrible! If I'd not had my financial planner to assist, I'd never have done it. I've recently received a letter telling me they are going to be passing on stamp duty costs now too. I've nothing good to say about them other than I assume if needed, they will provide good cover.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 2 years.
    "I have not had to claim with this insurer. So my rating given is average as I have nothing to gauge against.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 5 years.
    "Insurance is insurance, it's an evil necessity. Would I recommend them to others, I'd need to make a claim first to know how good they may or may not be in settling it.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "I really like the extra benefits with the TPD - eg access to international medical experts for advice if needed. They have a good range of conditions that are covered.."
18 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 8 years.
    "Policy cost is very competitive for what i was after with no problems from start to finish so overall i would have no hesitations recommending to others.."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance for 10 years or more.
    "Some personal contact would help with engagement and customer satisfaction. I am not happy with automattically increasing premiums without adequate explanation. you get the feeling that the insurer knows that it is difficult to switch with life insurance and is capitalising on this situation through 'milking' the insured person without servicing the realtionship.."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Good coverage for TPD and illness. Very good assistance from specialists from around the world for advice on treatment options if necessary. Gets very expensive as you get older, as do all insurances.."
17 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 5 years.
    "They randomly increase premiums even though you have held insurance with them and impose unrealistic exclusions. Impossible to get detailed info for SMSF tax returns."
14 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Likes - Continuos updates and review. Dis likes - Too expesive. Fees are not proformance based.."
08 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover for 1 year or less.
    "I have always found the staff at MLC to be friendly and able to answer any questions I have. At this stage I have not needed to make a claim, thankfully, though feel that I am in good hands if this is ever the case.."
08 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Rip off premiums, poor service."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Application process was very quick and simple. I also like that the Trauma policy offers the 'Best Doctors' service. There are also great features in the Income Protection policy. My dislike is that I tried to get an increase on my cover for Income Protection based one the info in the PDS stating that an increase of up to 20% can occur without further medical evidence once in any three year period, however customer service informed me that I was unable to do so and had to apply for the increase. I would recommend MLC to others.."
07 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover for 10 years or more.
    "Very professional with great communication.."
05 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 10 years or more.
    "Not impressed with customer service. Emails sent unanswered.."
04 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "They had the best product for my needs and they did not have any questions or lengthy application. They are also affiliated with my bank allowing me to link the two.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 2 years.
    "The cover is good. it was easy to apply for as the adviser significantly assisted me. overall I am happy with the level of cover and servce. I would recommend to other for the ease of use.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "No problems to date, would recommend to a friend."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Life Insurance, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Good value for money. Would recommend to others.."
03 May 2013 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had MLC Income Protection for 6 years.
    "Happy with the product, but recent quote found that OnePath provide better value and price.."