Reviews and star ratings come from customers who have had a NEOS Life, TPD, Trauma or Income Protection insurance policy.

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Overall rating:
Very Good from 7 reviews
Value for money
Features and benefits
Ease of Application
Timeliness of processing
Customer service and communication
Claims rating:
from 0 review
No reviews
Ease of lodging
Processing time
Helpfulness with enquiries

Read reviews

06 Jul 2024 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance for 1 year or less.
    "Great and quick and easy to register for a claim on line."
02 Jan 2023 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "Very easy to deal with and smooth process from start to finish."
16 Sep 2022 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Very competitive insurance offered at a reasonable price, customer call center also offers great service when I call because I've forgotten my login information.."
14 Sep 2022 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability) for 1 year or less.
    "Lower monthly premiums than competition, easy application and appears to be trustworthy. So far so good!."
05 Sep 2022 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection for 3 years.
    "Havent had any need to speak with them so happy at the moment."
27 Aug 2022 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 2 years.
    "Life insurance can be tailored to meet the needs of each member of the fund, thus reducing the risk of being underinsured. There is a significant tax advantage.."
19 Oct 2021 Overall rating
  Claims rating
  Review by
    Had NEOS Life Insurance, TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Trauma / Critical illness cover, Income Protection for 1 year or less.
    "It's early days with this insurer and I haven't made a claim yet but they've been very easy to deal with and offered far better rates than our previous provider and without their requisite data-gathering activities.."